Tangled Bliss

Free Tangled Bliss by Rebecca Airies

Book: Tangled Bliss by Rebecca Airies Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Airies
pulled his hand back. She moaned in frustration.
    She caught the smile on his lips. Such a bad man. He was
teasing her. She dropped one of her hands and clasped his wrist.
    “Play nice or I’ll have to take over. If I do, I might not
wait for you,” she warned.
    “You want my cock filling you.” He lifted his hips.
    “Yes, I do, but you want to be inside me, too. Waiting until
I’m ready again would be torture for you.” Her hands braced on each side of his
shoulder. She leaned down and brushed a kiss over his lips.
    His mouth opened beneath hers and his tongue thrust against
her lips. She welcomed the kiss. She relaxed into it, enjoying his taste and
the press of his lips against hers. His fingers curled upward, stroking over
her clit. She moaned. Her hips rocked into that contact.
    His hand slipped downward. Two fingers thrust into her
pussy. Her inner muscles clenched around the thick digits. Her hands gripped
the covers. She savored the fullness. The sensation wasn’t as good as when his
cock pushed deep. She wanted that.
    The kiss deepened. The hunger within her began to flare out
of control. She tore her mouth away and lifted her hips. The tension within
became almost unbearable. All teasing aside, she didn’t want to come until he
was inside her.
    He reached between them and held his cock while she lowered
onto it. When the head nudged into her, she bit her lip. Her body tightened.
Pleasure swelled within her, moments from an explosive release. She was so
close. A shiver ripped down her spine. She took deep breaths and tried to
regain more control.
    “Take me all the way.” His hand gripped her hip, but he
didn’t urge her down. “I love how your pussy is clenching around my cock, but I
want to feel you move on me.”
    She sank onto him. Even though she wanted to hold onto her
control, she couldn’t stay still. Her hips rose. She began a desperate rhythm
and sought the pleasure. It seemed so close, but she couldn’t reach it. Tension
tightened her body even further. The sweet release remained just out of her
reach. She ground down into him.
    The corded ropes of his muscles began to stand out. His hips
lifted against her. Her body burned. Even the movement of the air against her
hypersensitive flesh sent tingles straight to her core. When his fingertips
brushed over her nipple, she cried out. Her hips drove down. His fingers
pinched and tugged. The sensation streaked through her, along a direct path to
the ache in her pussy.
    Her fingers tightened on the sheets as she moved over him.
Her inner muscles clenched. A shiver ripped up her spine, a prelude to the
orgasm building inside her. When his fingers gave a sudden pinch to her nipple,
pleasure exploded through her.
    Alex gripped her hip, guiding her. He thrust upward. He let
out a harsh groan as he came. His other hand came up to wrap around her,
bringing her down on top of him. His hips continued to move as if trying to
capture every moment of bliss.
    His hands stroked over her back. Two hands slid over
her hot skin. She lifted her head and frowned at him.
    “You were supposed to keep that arm still.” She pushed up to
her elbows and stared down at him.
    “You expected me to resist for the entire time, baby? I
don’t have that much control.” He smiled and turned his head and glanced at his
arm. “Look though, the wound didn’t open.”
    “Luck.” She shook her head at him.
    “Let’s get some sleep. Perhaps tomorrow we’ll discover who
is behind the stalking.”  Alex lifted her from him and put her beside him.
    She turned onto her side, curving an arm across his stomach.
She closed her eyes and savored the closeness.

Chapter Ten
    Chelsea sat in her office chair and stared at the computer
screen. Paperwork . She hated the drudge work. When she was out in the
field, she put it off for as long as she could. Some of the measurements and
facts she entered came from her observations in the field. It made her want to
get out of the office

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