ALIEN ROMANCE: Ursa (Paranormal Science Fiction BBW Alpha Male Romance)

Free ALIEN ROMANCE: Ursa (Paranormal Science Fiction BBW Alpha Male Romance) by Katina Vader, Serena Vale

Book: ALIEN ROMANCE: Ursa (Paranormal Science Fiction BBW Alpha Male Romance) by Katina Vader, Serena Vale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katina Vader, Serena Vale
reclined, throwing one powerful arm over the back of the settee, and his spell was momentarily broken, and she could breathe again.
    “I’m, um, I’m an investigative journalist. I cover the the politician’s here in D.C.”
    “Well, I bet there’s a lot to keep you busy here, anything interesting you’re working on?” Chloe settled easily into the familiar, and safe, topic of work. Much safer than him calling her his ‘beautiful one’.
    “Not much honestly. The same old thing as always, crooked senators, and politics as usual I’m afraid.”
    “Crooked senators?” he said, and he reached to take another drink from her glass. She braced herself this time, ready for her intense reaction to him.
    “Yeah, nothing major, just a normal day of work for senator Shields.” She mumbled as she watched, unable to look away as he took a deep pull of the liquor. He set the glass down, and her brain returned to normal. This man really was dangerous, she thought.
    “Should I order us another?” she said with a slight smirk in Alexei’s direction. He returned her smile with one of his own, a new, deeper light shining in his dark blue eyes.
    “How about we get out of here?”
    Chloe was already shaking her head no when he stopped her with the lightest of touches, hand to hand. It was as intense as it was unexpected.
    “Please, Chloe.”
    It was the please that got her, the honest desire shining in her eyes and her own body’s reaction to him had her nodding in affirmation to him before her brain had even had a chance to catch up with the rest of her. Before she knew what she was doing, she was standing, her hand still tucked firmly in his, and he was leading her outside into the cold, December’s night.

Chapter 4
    They had reached the front door of his penthouse hotel room before doubts started swirling through her lust and liquor befogged mind.
    “Alexei, maybe…” Her words trailed off as he looked at her. Just looked at her.
    “If you have any reservations, Chloe, krasivyy, tell me now.” He dropped the softest kiss she had ever felt on her right cheek, before whispering against her cold flushed skin. “If you want to leave, that’s no problem. I’ll be sad. Very sad,” he chuckled roughly, and his breath tickled her cheek, “just say the word, and I will take you home. I might hold your hand the whole way.” He added the last part with a playful grin that eradicated any last niggling doubts. She sighed into him, running her hands up the front of his chest, twining them around his neck.
    “Alexei…” She whispered up at him, twirling the hair curling softly at the nape of his neck as he looked down at her.
    “Yes, krasivyy.”
    “Take me inside.”
    She barely had the words out of her mouth before he had the door flinging open, and was dragging her inside. Gone was the suave charmer from the club, or even the playful man from moments ago. Suddenly, Chloe felt like the man in front of her was the real Alexei, the one that always shone from the depths of his eyes. The one that always seemed to take her breath away.
    They barely made it through the large double doors before his lips were fiercely on hers. Chloe absorbed the luxurious, expensive penthouse suite adorned with priceless artifacts and original paintings, but it was all gone in a flash, drowned out by him .  It was overwhelming.              
    “Wha…Alexei…” Her words, and breath, stalled as he crowded her back up against the heavy wooden door they had just walked through. His lips suddenly on hers drove away any other thoughts in her head, until all she could do was feel. Feel the way his lips moved over hers, so much softer than she thought, and so, so much more deadly. Feel the press of his hard body against her soft, luscious curves. His hand, still holding hers, pressed her wrist against the door over her head, making her arch her back, pressing their bodies even tighter together. Heat crashed into her like a molten

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