Smokin' Hot

Free Smokin' Hot by Lynn LaFleur

Book: Smokin' Hot by Lynn LaFleur Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynn LaFleur
to open her eyes enough to see Stephen get in bed beside her. He lay on his back, drew her into his arms.
    “I cleaned up the kitchen and turned off the lights except for a lamp in the living room.”
    “Thank you. Dolly doesn’t like to walk into a dark house.”
    She wondered if her words sounded as slurred to him as they did to her. He pulled her a little closer and kissed the top of her head. “Good night,” he whispered.

    J ulia looked so beautiful sleeping, Stephen hated to wake her. Yet he didn’t feel right leaving without saying good-bye to her.
    Sitting on the edge of the bed, he slipped his hand between the sheets and touched her back. Her skin felt warm and smooth beneath his palm. He ran his hand down her spine and over her ass, then repeated the journey to her shoulder blade. Her eyebrows drew together in a frown as she stirred.
    “Good morning,” he said softly.
    She blinked a couple of times before rolling to her back. Her movement caused his hand to shift on her body to her breast. He palmed the firm mound, dragged his thumb over the tip. He smiled when she arched her back as if asking for him to keep touching her.
    “Wha’ time ’zit?”
    “Almost seven. I’m sorry to wake you, but I have to go.”
    “ ’K. I unnerstand.” She rubbed her hands over her face before opening her eyes. “Are you working today?”
    “No, but I have something planned.” He rubbed her nipple with his thumb again. Damn, he hated to leave her. “I’ll call you later, okay?”
    Stephen unlocked his cell phone, flipped to his contacts list. “What’s your cell number?”
    She rattled off the ten digits. He pointed the phone at her, intending to take a picture, but she quickly covered her face.
    “Don’t you dare snap that camera!”
    Stephen grinned. He liked teasing her. “How about if I take a picture of you tonight while we’re at O’Sullivan’s?”
    “We’re going to O’Sullivan’s?”
    “Yeah, I’d like to take you there. There’s a dart tournament every Saturday night, along with all-you-can-eat fish and chips. I thought you might enjoy it.”
    Her eyes turned sultry. She laid her hand over the top of his that still caressed her breast. “What I’d enjoy is for you to get naked and come back to bed.”
    Stephen’s cock responded to her sexy invitation. One phone call and he could postpone his plans for the day. However, he’d be messing up the plans of several guys. He didn’t want to do that. Plus, his heart drummed heavily in anticipation of what he’d be doing in a short while. He’d looked forward to it all week. “No more condoms, remember?”
    She frowned. “Damn it.”
    He chuckled at her obvious frustration. “Could I have a rain check?”
    Her smile reached her eyes, so he knew turning her down didn’t make her angry at him. He leaned over and gave her a soft kiss. “I’ll call you this afternoon.”
    He made it halfway to the door before she spoke again. “Better buy a big box of condoms.”
    Stephen looked at her over his shoulder. She sat up in bed, the covers bunched at her waist to expose her beautiful breasts.
    You’re an idiot to leave instead of playing with that gorgeous body all day.
    “I’ll buy the super jumbo size.”
    She flashed him that sultry look again. “Are you talking about the size of the box of condoms, or the condoms?”
    “Both,” he said with a grin.
    She licked the tip of her forefinger, rubbed it over her nipple. “Better make it two boxes.”
    Groaning, Stephen pressed his hand against his burgeoning cock. “You’re cruel, do you know that?”
    The sultry look disappeared, to be replaced with laughter. “Go. I have things to do today, too.”
    He winked at her. “See you later.”
    Stephen hurried out of the house and to his car. He barely had enough time to get home, shower, and grab something to eat before he had to leave to meet the other guys. He tightened his hands on the steering wheel as he peeled

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