Wolf's Bride (bbw, alpha werewolf)

Free Wolf's Bride (bbw, alpha werewolf) by Carrie Kelly

Book: Wolf's Bride (bbw, alpha werewolf) by Carrie Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carrie Kelly
    I get a feeling I don’t belong to the
    Frowning, I stirred the campfire and
watched the sparks fly through the air. The dark swallowed everything around
us, even the trees. No moon out tonight. It’s a good thing wolves could see in
the dark.
    “What’re you thinking about, Sam?” Jimmy
    I shrugged my shoulders and fed another
log to the fire. “Nothing. How long did Colt say he was going to be?”
    Jimmy shook his head and sat next to me.
“He didn’t say. You know he’s planning on bringing a girl tonight?” he said and
pulled out a stick of jerky from his pocket.
    “I know,” I said and sighed. I glanced
at him and snatched the last half of the beef stick. Then I chewed a piece off.
    “Hey! That was my last one.” He leaned
over and tried to take it back, but I held my hand up high and smiled.
    “You ever get tired of being short?” I
    Jimmy stood up, grabbed my wrist and took
the jerky back. Then he sat back down. “You ever get tired of being a jerk?”
    I raised an eyebrow. “It’s our nature
isn’t it? Be ruthless. Be strong.”
    “That’s just what Colt says all the
time,” he said and shoved the rest of the treat into his mouth.
    “He’s our alpha so everything he says
goes. Right?” I asked.
    Jimmy pouted his lips and shrugged.
“Supposedly,” he said. “You know you’d still be beta if you didn’t have such a
big mouth. You’re lucky he didn’t make you an omega,” he said and stretched his
    “Then we’d have two omegas,” I said and punched
his shoulder lightly.
    “Shut-up,” he retorted and hit me back.
Harder than I had.
    “Ouch,” I said and rubbed my shoulder,
“you been working out runt?”
    Jimmy smirked. “I’m a lot stronger than
you guys give me credit for.” He pulled the cooler close and took out a bottle
of water. “I bet I could take Eddie out if I wanted.”
    I chuckled “I’m sure you can,” I said
and looked up at the sky. Only a few stars. Kind of sad, I remember there being
more from when I was a kid. “So, you agree with Colt in this situation?” I
    Jimmy shrugged. “Not really. Going out
and asking random girls to join the pack. It sounds crazy. Shouldn’t things
like that happen naturally?”
    I smiled. That’s why I trusted Jimmy. He
was just as out of place as I was. “Yeah, that kind of thing should be natural.”
    The sound of an engine roared in the
distance. Jimmy shot up. “He’s back,” he said and swallowed a lump in his
    I frowned and stood up. Eventually the
Ford rumbled up and skidded to a stop, kicking up a cloud of dust in the air.
Shielding my eyes, I coughed.
    Colt jumped out and laughed. “Guess what
I found?” he sang. Then he pulled a woman out from the passenger’s side after
Eddie got out.
    She was gagged, blindfolded and her hands
were bound in front of her with twine. She wore a thin tank top and shorts. I
balled my fists. What the fuck was going on?
    Colt hefted her over his shoulder and
brought her to the camp. “Don’t just stare at me, help me tie her up.”
    Eddie pulled out a thin rope from the
trunk and joined Colt. Both men tied a knot around her binds and pulled her
arms up over her head.
    She kicked and struggled as they leaned
her against a tree and secured her. Then she grunted and bit down on the gag.
    Colt smirked and ran his hand through is
hair. “Come over here Jimmy and take a look at our new pack member,” he said
and tucked a hunting knife inside his belt. “She’s quite the beauty. Nicest
tits I’ve ever seen.”
    Jimmy licked his lips. His eyes were as
wide as saucers. Slowly he walked in front of the girl. “Why is she tied up,
    The man laughed. “She wasn’t exactly
easy to convince,” he said.
    I walked up and gritted my teeth. “You
fucking kidnapped her?” I growled.
    Colt’s eyes narrowed into slits. “You
questioning my authority, pup?” he spat. “Anyway, couldn’t be helped. She’s the
one. End of story.

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