Fur Coat No Knickers

Free Fur Coat No Knickers by C. B. Martin

Book: Fur Coat No Knickers by C. B. Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. B. Martin
earlier, it’s complicated and won’t be easy for you. I can’t be seen out drunk and partying thanks to my job. I’m in a responsible position. Tonight was an exception because we were celebrating a win and it’s Christmas. I have to keep a very low profile with my personal life.’
    I smiled to myself. So, this is a role of a WAG (Wives And Girlfriends). Keep quiet, always look sexy, and always, always, have the latest, largest, designer handbag (just in case the paparazzi are out).
    I’ve trained for this job my whole life.
    The time was ticking by too fast. It was 4am, my flight back to England was in six hours and I still hadn’t packed. My heart and pretty much all of my anatomy wanted to stay, but my head was telling me to leave.
    The room next door had gone very quiet. Travis remained seated, but I stood up with the intention of going next door to grab Laura and do the sensible thing, but, before I knew it, Travis pulled me down on top of him. With my legs straddled either side of those firm thighs; he roughly pulled me into him. I could feel his throbbing manhood pushing hard up against me through my jeans. I gripped his huge biceps. He slowly but firmly began thrusting his rock hard cock against my crotch. I gasped in anticipation as he buried his face into my chest and started biting my nipples through my jumper. Oh God, I was so turned on. Running my fingers through his dark brown hair in ecstasy, I pulled him closer, urging him to continue. Was I really about to have a sexual encounter with a man I barely knew?
    But then , the unwanted images started. I mentally tried to push them away, but the pictures of my past crawled into my thoughts uninvited, pushing painful, confusing, conflicting memories to the forefront of my mind.  
    In an instant , I was back to the age of seven; in my usual hiding place, crouched on the bottom of our stairs in between the coats, peering between the banisters through to the lounge. I always took Panda (my teddy) with me. I would cry into Panda and no one could hear me. Sometimes I would put him over my eyes so I couldn't see daddy hurting mummy.
    Mummy was sobbing, but it was Friday. Daddy usually got angry or threw his dinners up to the ceiling on Saturdays. He was ranting something about mummy’s friend being dishonest to her husband and saying she would go to hell for her sins. I didn't like the word hell. It was a bad, bad place where devils would burn you slowly and then they would eat you alive. I wanted to go in and stop daddy shouting at mummy, but it went quiet, very quiet. I inched forward just so I could see through the crack of the door. I could see mummy and daddy praying. I went upstairs to Laura’s bedroom and crept into her bed. She always pretended to be asleep, but I knew she wasn't.
    For cing myself back into the ‘here and now’ and finding strength from somewhere, I leapt up. It was perfect timing - Laura poked her head around the door at just that moment.
    ‘Er r, Travis,’ she said very calmly, but unusually wide-eyed for her. ‘Some of your players have passed out on the floor while showing me how to do a scrum… and one of them is at the bottom of the pile that appears to have forgotten how to breathe.’
    ‘The lad s aren’t used to alcohol,’ he replied calmly while clearing his throat and trying to hide the huge bulge overwhelming his Levi’s. ‘Don't worry, they’ll be fine.’
    Dougie ordered a taxi for us and then proceeded to pull Laura back into the living room for another snog. Travis and I stood waiting in the hallway, holding each other like lovesick teenagers.
    ‘Can I fly over and see you soon?’ he asked, tenderly brushing some hair away from my eyes.
    ‘I look forward to it ,’ I said, dropping my voice a notch or two and fluttering my lashes. YES!! The Big-Man upstairs was on my side for once. We squeezed each other’s hands and sadly said our goodbyes. Laura and I then made our way to the taxi.
    ‘I’m sending

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