
Free SeducedByTheAntiHero by L.J. Fine

Book: SeducedByTheAntiHero by L.J. Fine Read Free Book Online
Authors: L.J. Fine
nose along the side
of her neck before bringing his mouth to her ear. “I can help you with that,
Sugar.” He placed a soft kiss against the sensitive spot below her ear and she
    “How?” The question came out as a whisper so soft she was
surprised he heard her. “Are we going to get into a fight?”
    This time when he looked at her there was no mistaking the
heat in his eyes or the flash of mischief that had the corners of his lips
twitching in not quite a smile. “You up for a little role-playing?”
    The way his voice dropped an octave when he said that had moisture
dampening her panties. She tried to mask how hot the concept made her by
smiling playfully. “Let me guess. You’ll be the big bad vampire and I’ll be the
helpless, unsuspecting woman you’ve set your sights on?”
    “Something like that,” he rumbled as he bent forward to
brush her lips with his. “You in?”
    Seriously, she’d have to be a crazy person to tell him no. So,
proving her complete soundness of mind, she said, “I’m definitely in.”
    Oh, the things she did for research. What a hardship.
    “Good.” He straightened to his full height and shoved his
hand in his pocket to dig out his cell phone. “I’m gonna run home and grab a
shower. Give me your number and I’ll text you when I’m on my way to your motel
    Something about all of that gave her pause. “Don’t you need
to know which motel I’m staying at?”
    He shook his head. “Nah.” When she just looked at him he
cocked an eyebrow. “Small town, remember? I already know.”
    Right. That wasn’t unsettling or anything. Taking a deep
breath, she rattled off her phone number.
    “All right. See you in a bit.” He headed toward the back of
the bar.
    She watched him walk away, eating up the roll of his hips
until his broad shoulders disappeared into a back hallway. When she turned back
to the bar, she realized that none of her friends had given her exchange with
Ben any attention. They all seemed completely oblivious to the fact that she
and Ben had been so close to each other, whispering intimately. Well, all but
    When their eyes met, she saw the same worried expression on
his face that he had worn earlier. If she didn’t find out what was up with him,
it was going to bug her all night. Moving to stand in front of him, she propped
her elbows up on the bar.
    “Is there something on your mind you’d like to share?”
    Eying her dubiously, he asked, “What do you mean?”
    Emma suspected he knew exactly what she meant, but she
played along anyway. “Every time someone mentions Ben and me, or you see us
together, you get this little crinkle in your forehead and your whole body gets
tense. What’s up?”
    Sighing, he flipped the towel he had been wiping some
glasses with over his shoulder. “I just want you to be careful with him, Emma. That’s
    “Is this a warning for my benefit or his?” She narrowed her
    “Yours.” He leveled his gaze on her. “I love my brother more
than life itself and I’ll be the first person to tell you he’s a good guy. But
he has some problems and he tends to shut people out. Even his family.” The
muscle in his jaw ticked as he blew out a harsh breath through his nose. “I
just don’t want you to get too attached or get your hopes up. He won’t hurt you
on purpose, but sometimes he can’t see past all the shit in his head.”
    It wasn’t like this was a news flash, but to hear her
suspicions confirmed by someone so close to him left her feeling deflated. In
spite of her yearning to know what it was that had him shutting out the rest of
the world, she wasn’t naïve enough to believe that she would be the one to
change him or get him to open up. He wouldn’t do that until he was good and
ready—if he ever was—not because of anything she said or did.
    “Thanks, but don’t worry. He’s just helping me out with my
book and we’re having a little fun while he does. I can keep it

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