World Walker 1: The World Walker
only what we decide it is after we apply various filters, it's a simple task to make the brain accept something as real."
    "You know what?" said Seb. "I love asking philosophical questions as much as anyone, but there's a time and place. Dream or not, who are you and what the hell is going on? Are you me?"
    "Yes," said Seb2. "Well, part of your consciousness. You're another part. I'm deeper, you operate closer to the surface but we're both me. Or you."
    Seb stared at Seb2. Abruptly, both men burst into laughter. They stopped just as quickly, but still perfectly in sync, which led to another outbreak, both men laughing until they were gasping and wiping tears from their eyes. As they began to calm down again, Seb2 put his hand gently on Seb's shoulder.
    "I know it's ridiculous," he said, "but that's how it is. Now, I brought you because I need you to know a bit more about what's going on."
    "Just a bit more?" said Seb. "Tell me everything."
    "I can't," said Seb2. "Different parts of our self do different jobs. Your job - first point of contact with reality - would be compromised if you tried to take in all the information I've been given. Most of which I can't begin to understand. You have to trust me on this. Mostly because I'm you."
    "Doesn't stop you being a pain in the ass," said Seb.
    "That's a given," said Seb2.  
    "Ok, stop for a second," said Seb. "What happened in the mountains? Was that an alien? Where's the brain tumor? And while we're on the subject of miraculous recoveries, what about the bullet holes? Oh, and wasn't I just hit by a van?"
    "Slow down," said Seb2. "Ok, lots of questions, but I only have ideas about the answers."
    "Well, you're a big help then. Start with the van."
    "I can half-answer that one. It didn't hit me. Er, you."
    "Oh, come on, there's no way it could have avoided me. It was about six feet away."
    "Yeah, but you moved."
    "No, I didn't," said Seb. I closed my eyes just before the fender hit my skull at 50 miles per hour."
    "Yeah, you did," said Seb2. "You, I, we 'moved'. We left the freeway. In a few minutes, you're going to open your eyes in the bathroom of an Amtrak train just pulling out of Union Station. Well, it'll be minutes for you, but a whole day will have passed out there."
    "Out there?" said Seb. "Just back up a little. Where exactly am I now?"
    "We're...between places. In the cracks. Buying some time."
    "Buying time by keeping me here - in the cracks? Can you try using words and ideas that I might actually understand?"
    "I'd love to, but I don't understand them myself."
    "Oh, give me strength," said Seb, rubbing his forehead.
    "Ok, this much I know," said Seb2. "Yes, that was an alien. It came to me - you - us - specifically. When it took your hands, it transferred something to you. Something that merged with you, body and mind. You're not just you any more. You're something new..."
    "Me - specifically?" said Seb. "Why?"
    "Now that I can't answer," said Seb2. "Because we weren't ready. Your suicide attempt forced its hand. If you'd been ready, you'd know how to use this - gift, you'd know what to do. But Billy Joe had to act because you would have died if he hadn't?"
    "Billy Joe?" said Seb.
    "The alien," said Seb2. "It was a nickname. He found it funny."
    "Billy Joe," said Seb. "Of course. Back up - you talked to him? When did that happen?"
    "No, I didn't talk to him. When Billy Joe transferred the power, a message came with it. Not in words as such, but some of it was loud and clear. Other parts - well, it's like trying to watch TV with the sound down and not being able to lip-read. I get bits of it - not enough. He's been waiting a long time. He tried to find you - or someone like you - before. He's...ancient...and he's an outsider. There are so few like him. And I'm - we're - one of them."
    Seb stood and walked to the water's edge. The ducks had long since lost interest and drifted away toward the middle of the pond. The pale reflection of the winter sun rippled on the

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