Misplaced Hands: 4 (Foreign Affairs)

Free Misplaced Hands: 4 (Foreign Affairs) by Lexxie Couper, Mari Carr

Book: Misplaced Hands: 4 (Foreign Affairs) by Lexxie Couper, Mari Carr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lexxie Couper, Mari Carr
Tags: Erótica
Marc’s cock. It throbbed with need. His balls ached. With a groan, he closed his eyes on the erotic sight, knowing if he watched any longer his control would be shot. He didn’t want to rush this. He wanted to make Harper come over and over again before releasing his own orgasm. He wanted to witness Keith’s rapture as well.
    He’d imagined sharing a woman with the other man for so long, now that it was a reality, he didn’t want to end it by shooting his load.
    Besides, Harper’s flesh in his mouth, the scent of her juices still lingering on his lips, her moans caressing his ears…he could stay nourished on those things alone for a lifetime. Just knowing he was sharing them with Keith.
    Shifting his weight, he slid his hand down to her pussy. He fingered her clit, reveling in the way she panted at his touch. Her nails scraped at his scalp. He moaned around her nipple, sucking its puckered form deep into his mouth.
    “I…oh man, this…” Harper’s rasping breath sounded in the peaceful quiet of the billabong. “I can’t…oh man…”
    Fingers brushed Marc’s, strong and determined. Without opening his eyes, he knew they belonged to Keith. His friend parted Harper’s folds, once again granting Marc greater access to her clit.
    He liked the way Keith worked. Still suckling her breast, he rolled his finger over and over the tiny button of flesh.
    “Oh, oh God…I’m going to…” Harper’s fist turned painful in his hair, sending hot pleasure into his groin. “I’m going to…”
    Marc knew Keith had moved when his hand was shoved away from Harper’s sex. He didn’t mind at all. He’d already tasted Harper’s pleasure. It was only fair Keith did as well. Continuing to feast on her breast, he turned his gaze on his best friend.
    Keith’s face was buried between Harper’s thighs, his eyes closed, his hands flat on her knees, holding her legs wide.
    “Oh God, I…I…” Harper cried, her hips bucking upward. “Yes, yes, yes !”
    Oh fuck, I’m gonna come.
    The thought surged through Marc a heartbeat before the pressure in his balls turned explosive. He shot to his feet, wrapped his hand around his cock and pumped.
    That was all it took. Two strangling pumps of his hand and he came.
    His toes curled in the soft grass as he ground his teeth and threw back his head. His seed spurted from his dick like a searing geyser that arced up away from his body.
    Harper’s gasp snapped his eyes open and he jerked his stare to her, his hand still working his cock. His come splashed her breasts, white ropes of ejaculate that dribbled over her flesh.
    “Shit, love,” he burst out, staggering back a step. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…”
    Harper shook her head, her eyes heavy lidded, her lips parted, her breasts heaving. “Don’t…apologize,” she panted. By the hitching of her voice, by the way her hips bucked toward Keith’s mouth, she was still under the throes of her climax. “Don’t… Oh fuuuuck !” She thrashed on the ground, taken by another orgasm.
    Between her thighs, Keith moaned, the raw sound muffled by her pussy.
    “Oh God, Keith,” Harper panted, her hands seeking his hair. “I can’t…anymore…I can’t…oh yes, fuck yes!”
    Marc watched her come again, his spent dick twitching.
    A long moment later, Keith rose from between her thighs, settling back onto his knees, his lips and chin glistening with her release. “Bloody hell, Thomo.” His stare moved over Harper’s chest, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “You got anything left in that sac of yours?”
    “Yeah, yeah.” Marc rolled his eyes. “Just cause you’re Superman.” He crouched down, slid his arms under Harper’s back and knees and straightened to his feet. “Let’s take a bath, love.”
    Harper wrapped her arms around his shoulder as he began walking. “In that freezing water again? I don’t think—”
    He didn’t let her finish. Four steps into the billabong, he dropped, taking

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