The Desire to Touch

Free The Desire to Touch by N Taylor

Book: The Desire to Touch by N Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: N Taylor
wet and too long for me to make extra effort. Right slap on some mascara and brush the fringe…I may look ten years younger than my age but fifteen was a good age, so it suits me for today. I grab my cardigan and bag and run out the door.
    I reach the lobby and I can see Lucas waiting outside in his old rusted, white convertible Hummer that looks like it went on tour with George - every time I get in his car I can’t help but say a little prayer behind closed eyes, that we’ll make it to our destination.
    “You’re late Doll,” Lucas shouts, as I throw my bag in the back and climb in.
    “Sorry, was a late one last night,” Earlier I had made a conscious decision not to fill him in on the details, as Lucas will only pull the surrogate big brother routine.
    My door is barely shut and we’re off, his foot is to the floor. ‘No win, No fee’ is all I can think - that and thank goodness I tied my hair up.
    After four hours of shopping and looking at shows around Time Square , we make it just in time for Lucas’s suit fitting at ‘Lorenzo’s’.
    We pull up outside the shop, which is situated in the Meat packing district, it’s a door sandwiched between a rentals store and an art studio of some kind. The front door looks like it’s in desperate need of a lick of paint and, as I look up, I see a huge neon sign saying ‘Lorenzo’s’ with a hand and needle moving to look like its sewing.
    “Classy,” I whisper , more to myself than for anyone to hear.
    “It’s nicer once you’re through the door.”
    “I’m sure it is,” I mutter, “You do know the murderer is always out when they knock at doors like this on movies, then you go inside and find the decapitated bodies of loved ones all over the place.”
    “Well , you’re in a fine mood!”
    “I’m sorry but I still can’t believe that after four hours of shopping all you bought is a shirt, a tie and got three, no four telephone numbers. Also , let’s not forget the shag in the changing room.”
    “Who says I got a shag?”
    “I don’t know anyone who takes half an hour to try on one shirt with the assistants help.”
    “Ah yes , the lovely Laurine,” Lucas grins wickedly, “with hair the colour of the sun kissing the sea at dusk.”
    “It’s called ginger, no need to go all poetic about it.”
    “Call it what you want, she was insatiable.”
    “Slag,” I lean over and punch him in the arm.
    “Oh is this the green-eyed monster rearing its ugly head?” He leans in close pretending to come on to me.
    I lean in closer, there’s less than hairsbreadth between our lips.
    “Oh Mr Perez, I know exactly where you’ve been,” I scrunch up my face and feign disgust.
    Laughing Lucas retreats and climbs out of the car, “You’re too nice for my liking Ellie, I couldn’t ruin you.”
    He walks around to my side and opens the door for me.
    “Why so gentlemanly?”
    “What do you mean?”
    “Well earlier , you got out of the car and ran off so quick I had to put money in the meter!”
    “Oh yeah I did,” he thinks for a second, “What can I say , you bring out the best in me.”
    I climb out of the car, “Obviously not all the time.” I close the car door and look at the door we’re about to enter. “So you’ve been here before?”
    “Once, normally a girl comes to the club and measures me, goes away and a few days later I have my suits. For some reason the girl hasn’t been and much to Jerry’s anger I’ve had to come here, I am not coming alone ever again.”
    “Ok,” I realise what he’s just said, “Wait what? Why not alone?”
    “Nothing has happened but there are stories about Lorenzo, he’s lovely when you meet him but I have been warned not to bare too much to him. I’m sure its nothing but the whispers along the vine is something to do with cameras and something to do with something behind the curtains in the studio.”
    “Ha! You could have a dirty movie out to boost your career into the mainstream not just Jerry’s

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