The Path (Fire on the Mountain Series)

Free The Path (Fire on the Mountain Series) by Rick Joyner

Book: The Path (Fire on the Mountain Series) by Rick Joyner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rick Joyner
Tags: Christian Inspirational
gospels, you are called to have a special relationship to Jesus.”
“I hardly feel that close to the Lord. I feel that my questions may be an insult to Him. I don’t mean for them to be, and I know my concern for the people I love can eclipse my devotion to the Lord at times, but I cannot shake these questions, and they are hurting my ability to trust the Lord.”
The other Mary pulled closer, and spoke up, “We do share many of the same questions. I’ve been listening to your conversation. If that is the real Elijah, then surely he knows the answers. Can you get him to come back and talk to us?”
“Believe me, I would like to have him answer all of your questions, and I would like to hear his answers too, but I’m afraid that is not going to happen.”
“Why not?” the older Mary asked.
“He told me about your questions and said that I would have to answer them. He did not know what the questions were, but he said that they were important for the entire group, and that I would have the answers,” I replied.
“That’s weird, that he knew about our questions, but it also sounds like God is not angry at us for having them,” the younger Mary remarked.
“Of course, He’s not angry. I don’t think the Lord ever minds sincere questions. In fact, He has made it very clear that yours are very important,” I said.
I then said to the whole group, who I could see was watching us and would like to be included in the conversation, “Let’s go over to the bank by the living water and take some time to discuss some of the questions you have.”
    I waited for all to drink and then settle about on the rocks and ground near the stream. I then asked for volunteers to post watchmen back on the path. Then I began:
“A friend once told me that almost every heresy is the result of trying to carry to logical conclusions that which God has only revealed in part. I think this is true. At the same time, we are told that we know in part and see in part. None of us has the whole picture, or the whole understanding. So to have the whole truth we must put what we have together with what others have.
“There are some things that, if we pooled all of our knowledge together, we would still only have part of the understanding because that is all God has revealed to man at this time. That which God has only revealed in part we must not add to by trying to carry it to what we think are logical conclusions. He has His reasons for not giving us more at this time. We will have eternity to get our questions answered, so some of them need to wait. We honor Him and prove our trust for Him by accepting this. That must be acceptable to us for the walk of faith.”
“Okay. I know I may not learn all there is about this matter, but some of the questions I have make it harder for me to go forward with the trust that I need,” the older Mary confided while the younger Mary nodded her agreement.
“I understand. However, there are some things that God did not hide from us, but He hid them for us. What makes something a treasure is that it is either rare or hard to get to. Some of the greatest treasures of knowledge and understanding will only come with great perseverance. Anything that happens too fast or too easily is usually insignificant. I think some of your questions are important, and I will not presume to be able to answer them easily or quickly, but I will share with you what I have found in my own search.
“To keep from falling into another heresy, what seems partial or incomplete to us we must leave that way until He gives a clear revelation that we can confirm in the Scriptures. If we cannot verify a revelation in the Scriptures then we cannot accept it as doctrine. Prophecy or revelations are never given to establish doctrine, but only the Scriptures can do that. If you examine the roots of many cults and sects, you will almost always find a ‘revelation’ that cannot be verified by Scripture. If Jesus, who was the Word, would take His

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