Two to Tango

Free Two to Tango by Sheryl Berk

Book: Two to Tango by Sheryl Berk Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sheryl Berk
said gently. “You found my special hiding place.”
    â€œYour hiding place? This is my hiding place,” she insisted.
    â€œNuh-uh,” Hayden insisted. “I’ve been hiding in broom closets for about seven years. Nobody ever thinks to look in here, you know.”
    â€œExcept you,” Gracie pointed out. “Are you gonna make me go back out there?”
    Hayden shook his head. “Nope. Not if you don’t want to go beat Mandy. I totally understand.”
    Gracie bit her nails. “Well, I wanna beat Mandy. But I’m not sure I can.”
    â€œI’m sure you can’t beat her sitting in here,”Hayden said. “There’s nothing to be scared of, you know. There’s not even a stage—just a gym floor. And you’re used to tumbling on those all the time, right?”
    Gracie mulled it over. “It’s not a stage, is it?”
    â€œNope, just a big ol’ gym with bleachers. No sweat. I’m not even nervous about going up against City Feet.”
    â€œYou’re not? How come?” Gracie asked.
    â€œBecause feet always stink,” he joked, waving his toes in her face. “Am I right or am I right?”
” Gracie said, giggling and holding her nose.
    He stood up and offered Gracie his hand. “You coming? I’m kind of starving. So when you’re done with your dance, can you save me a pancake—with ketchup, please?”

    â€œNext up in the Petite Solo division, we have Gracie doing an acro routine to ‘Cooking by the Book’!” Rochelle’s heart was pounding as theannouncer called Gracie’s name. She saw Toni’s face in the audience. She looked livid.
    â€œDo we have Gracie? Is she in the gym?” the announcer said, trying again. “Last call for Gracie . . .”
    â€œHere!” said a small voice. Gracie appeared at the door of the gym holding Hayden’s hand. Rochelle was relieved to see she didn’t look scared at all. She was smiling and waving at the audience.
    â€œQuick! Get into your costume!” Rochelle said, tying Gracie’s apron over her red leotard and securing her chef’s hat with a few bobby pins. The littlest Diva took her place onstage just as the music started to play.
    She saw Toni making her way over from the bleachers.
    â€œWhat happened?” she demanded. “Divas don’t miss their cues.”
    â€œNo biggie,” Hayden said, trying to assure her. “Gracie just got a little lost in the hallway.”
    She gave Rochelle her iciest look. “It’s your jobto make sure everything goes according to plan. You wanted to be my assistant.”
    â€œI know . . . I’m trying!” Rochelle said. “There are just so many little details.”
    â€œWelcome to my world,” Toni said. “If you can’t take the heat, then get out of the kitchen.”

Chapter 13

Hayden the Hero

    Rochelle crossed her fingers that Gracie would get through her routine without any further drama. Each of her flips was flawless, and the judges smiled as she did a spider walk around the gym floor. Finally, it was time for the big finale: her backflip timed to the pancake flip. She hit the button on the stove and the pancakes catapulted into the air. Thank goodness! Rochelle breathed a sigh of relief. Then she watched in horror as one climbed higher and higher till it landed—
—right on the bald head of one of the judges! The entire gym roared with laughter.
    Gracie looked startled; Rochelle prayed shewouldn’t burst into tears. Instead, she cracked up as well. Luckily, the judge was a good sport. He pulled the pancake off his head and took a bite.
    â€œThat was a delicious routine,” the announcer joked as Gracie skipped back to the sidelines.
    â€œI did it! I did it!” she squealed.
    â€œYou sure did!” Scarlett said, hugging her little sister. “I’m so proud of you,

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