I'm With Cupid

Free I'm With Cupid by Anna Staniszewski

Book: I'm With Cupid by Anna Staniszewski Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Staniszewski
    â€œWhat, are you keeping a list?” Lena asked.
    Marcus’s smile grew wider. “Maybe. How else am I going to unravel the mysteries of Lena Perris?”
    She couldn’t help smiling back. “I’m pretty sure that besides the whole secret identity thing, I’m the least mysterious person at this school.”
    â€œThat’s exactly what you want people to think,” he said. “It probably means you collect human skulls in your basement. Or worse, stuffed unicorns.”
    Lena laughed. Ever since Connie Reynolds had shoved them into that closet, Marcus had seemed different, more sure of himself. She wished other people could see this side of him. Then maybe her friends wouldn’t call him a weirdo anymore.
    â€œWait, I know!” Lena cried, something clicking in her brain. “We need to get Connie Reynolds involved.”
    â€œWith your audition?” Marcus asked, his brow crinkling.
    â€œNo! She was there the first time we kissed. Maybe she needs to be there again, so that our powers switch back.”
    Marcus seemed to think this over. “But does that mean we have to re-create the whole party too? Maybe it all has to be exactly the same as the first time. That’s pretty much impossible.”
    He was right. “I’ll keep thinking about it,” Lena said, getting to her feet. “Oh, and Marcus. Um, thanks again for the flower. That was really nice of you.” Then she rushed out of the auditorium without looking back.
    Even though she was already late, Lena stopped at her locker and carefully tucked Marcus’s rose inside. She didn’t want it to get more crushed in her bag. For some reason, she had the urge to wave good-bye to it before she shut the locker door, like it might be sad all alone in the dark. But she told herself to stop being ridiculous. She couldn’t be one of those girls who got all mushy the minute a guy did something nice for them. I’m not going to be weak like that , she told herself as she slammed the locker door shut and hurried down the hallway.
    When Lena got to homeroom, Mrs. Lo looked up from her desk and gave a disapproving shake of her head before marking something down in her book. Lena blushed as she slunk to her seat. She’d never been late for anything in her life. Her dad liked to remind her that she’d even been born early.
    â€œWhere were you?” Abigail asked over the dull roar of the other kids laughing and talking around them. “I waited at your locker.”
    â€œSorry, I had to, um, talk to someone. Oh! I forgot!” Lena fished around in her bag and took out the quilted purse she’d made for Abigail the night before. She was careful not to brush Abigail’s hand when she handed it over. If her fingers could flare up at any second, she had to be extra cautious. The last thing she needed was Abigail going gaga over some guy.
    â€œWow, thanks. What’s this for?” Abigail asked.
    â€œIt’s a thank-you for dragging me to Connie’s party. Otherwise, I would have never gotten my first kiss.” Granted, if she hadn’t gone to that party, none of the other stuff would have happened, but that wasn’t Abigail’s fault.
    Should she tell Abigail what was going on? Eddie had made her swear not to reveal her soul collector identity to anyone, not even her best friend, but this situation was so insane. It would be a relief to tell someone.
    â€œYou know, Marcus is kind of cute,” Abigail said. “Even if he is pretty awkward. I could see why you like him.”
    â€œI don’t like him,” Lena insisted.
    â€œWell, Hayleigh and I were talking last night, and if you’re not interested in him…do you think he might like one of us?”
    Lena gawked at her. “What are you talking about?” Is that why Hayleigh had been so friendly to Marcus in the hall?
    Abigail shrugged. “I mean, if he’s

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