How to Seduce a Queen: A Medieval Romance Novel

Free How to Seduce a Queen: A Medieval Romance Novel by Stella Marie Alden

Book: How to Seduce a Queen: A Medieval Romance Novel by Stella Marie Alden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stella Marie Alden
thank you all for your loyalty.”
    Clasping her hands so they would not quiver, she turned to her monk. “Walk with me. Sean was correct in one matter. I must find more help for the keep and I must find a way to pay the knights. Maybe, as an outsider, you can view those things better than I.”
    He nodded, face grim, his lips a thin line. In silence, they circled down the narrow stairway by the well, and walked to the stables. His vigilant hazel eyes darted back and forth, as he prepared their mounts. He was right to be so concerned. Why was Sean being such a boar-brained maggot?
    After they clomped over the drawbridge, Freya tossed her head, wanting to run. Fay loosened her grip on the reins and her palfrey galloped freely. The fresh salt air on the uncommonly warm breeze cleansed her mood. She would find a solution to her problems. She always did.
    Suddenly, she stopped, realizing her monk was far behind. Were it not for stirrups, her monk’s toes would’ve dragged upon the road. The sturdy animal plodded along, more like a donkey than a horse.
    She couldn’t help but giggle at the sight as she turned her mount around and met him. “I’m so sorry.”
    His smile did not meet his eyes and his voice was tight when he spoke. “You should take more care. Do not fight so with Ferguson. And for God’s blood, do not ride alone.”
    He dismounted and led his horse to graze upon a tuft of grass.
    Exasperated, she did the same. “Why stop here? We’ve much to do in the village today.”
    His normally hazel eyes turned the same shade of blue as the sky. She’d never felt so attached to anyone. The notion that she could get lost there forever warmed her soul.
    He sighed. “We should talk about last night. I need to apologize.”
    “But I kissed you.” Damnation . This was not at all how she’d envisioned the morning. They were supposed to run away together. Mayhap far across the sea.
    “You are of the weaker, fairer sex. I am . . . rather . . . I was a warrior, but most importantly I am married to Christ. I stayed awake all night, thinking and praying, prostrate before God.”
    She grunted, disliking this conversation more and more. “Why, may I ask, does Christ care if you are horizontal or vertical?”
    His eyes met hers, as they had the night before, centers dark and wide. His nostrils flared and he took a step toward her. “Prithee. Stay on topic. I’ve never been so tempted.”
    With calloused palm to her cheek, he moved his lips to within a fraction of hers, and held her captive. “For you, I would sin again, and not give a speck for my eternal soul.”
    With his soft lips touching and caressing hers, she whispered, “You need not fear. I keep telling you. There is no God.”
    He pulled back and moaned. “What must I do to convince you of His existence?”
    “I don’t want to talk about God.” Not while his sweet mouth lay waiting and her body ached to be held in his arms.
    Enough of this. She kissed him with all her pent up need. Like dry pine needles sparked by flint, he ignited, and devoured her. One of his hands slid down her back and held her in place while his tongue demanded entrance. She opened her mouth, tentatively jousted, then let him in completely. Groaning, he slipped a hand over her breast, caressing and pinching. When her knees went weak, he held her close, his lust poking between her legs.
    Pulling up on her kirtle, she willed him to breach her.
    “God’s Blood. We cannot. Not here.” He jumped back, as if their desire was truly a hot flame.
    The fierce drumming in her chest refused to quiet as she panted like Loki. Between her legs, she was wet with want.
    “Why?” She needed him to take her, so they could marry, and run away together. So the nightmares would go away forever.
    “You’re not ready. We must go more slowly.”
    She stared, disbelieving. Clearly he was affected as much as she. And he knew that she was not pure.
    He adjusted his belt over his protruding desire. “Can

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