Can't Let Go - A Contemporary BWWM Romance

Free Can't Let Go - A Contemporary BWWM Romance by Shayla Harris

Book: Can't Let Go - A Contemporary BWWM Romance by Shayla Harris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shayla Harris
the morning, I couldn’t help but check my
phone in regular intervals just in case Kevin had decided to call and cancel on
me. I kept thinking the rug was going to be pulled out at any moment. He seemed
too good to be true. Guys like him didn’t chase girls like me. It was usually
the other way around.

day, I decided to go casual. I wrapped my long, dark hair up into a top knot,
wore minimal makeup, and pulled on a tight pair of skinny jeans and a faded
jersey t-shirt. I was going more for girl-next-door. I wanted him to feel like
I was the girl he could just chill with on the weekends.

11:30, I’d made my way outside and was walking towards his place. It was only
about a mile away, which was nice. The weather was perfect thanks to the
unusually warm February we were having.

was just around the corner, and it was my absolute favorite season. It was all
flowers, chirping birds and new beginnings. But it was also going to be Antoine
and Ayla’s wedding.

managed to go another day without thinking too much about him, but sometimes I
just couldn’t help it. He’d creep into the corners of my mind when I least
expected it.Antoine

thought about how once he was married, that would be the end of us for sure. I
knew I’d been the one to end things, and poorly at that, but I always sort of
thought of Antoine as my fallback guy. If it didn’t work out with anyone else,
I could always go back to him. I never in a million years dreamed that he’d move
on so fast and with someone I couldn’t even compete with.

I knew it, I was standing in front of Kevin’s building. I hadn’t even thought
about the fact that I might run into Antoine or Ayla. My palms began to sweat a
little and my heart raced. The last thing I wanted was for Antoine to think I
was stalking him.

took a good look around to make sure neither of them were in sight. Then I gripped the banister and climbed the stairs towards the front
door. I yanked it open and was immediately greeted with a burst of warm air
from the empty hallway.

I said to myself once I realized the coast was clear. There was no sign of
Antoine or Ayla anywhere.

knocked on Kevin’s door and waited. And waited. And waited. I knocked again. I
hoped he hadn’t forgotten about me. I was going to be both pissed and
embarrassed if that was the case. Maybe he’d gotten called into work and forgot
to cancel our plans?

could feel my heartbeat quicken at the thought of being stood up. If I had to
walk away alone like some loser and happened to run into Antoine, I’d be

Kevin said as the door burst open. He startled me.

I said with a sweet smile as I walked in.

place looked spotless, and I could smell a scented candle burning somewhere. It
smelled like vanilla and musk, perfect for a guy’s place.

was wearing a navy blue college hoodie and a pair of straight leg, pale denim
jeans. His dark hair was free of any product. He looked just as casual as I
did, thank goodness.

glanced over towards the living room where a college basketball game was
playing quietly.

sit down?” he asked as he motioned towards his couch.

kicked off my shoes and followed him to the living room, taking my place next
to him but keeping a safe distance. I didn’t want him to think I was being too
girlfriend-y just yet.

I had to cut our date night short,” he said. “Ended up getting called in last
night, just as I thought I would.”

completely understand,” I said with a shrug. “Work comes first.”

smiled, lighting up his entire face, and I about melted. I wanted to kiss him
so badly. I wanted to jump him right then and there, but I stayed frozen and
firmly planted in my space. I knew were weren’t there

you on call today?” I asked.

got someone to switch with

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