Witch Infernal (Infernal Hunt Book 3)

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Book: Witch Infernal (Infernal Hunt Book 3) by Holly Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Holly Evans
his side, back stiff and hands balled in fists. His face was a mask of sharp angles and promises of revenge. He stood watching over the city while the rest of us stood back a little, heads bowed in quiet thought and prayer of our own. Once Haeyl stood , Elise stepped forward; her hand rested on Haeyl's slender shoulder as she took a deep breath and drew up the energies of the earth. A peaceful smile lit her face; her pure white clothes almost seemed to glow in that moment.  
    "May Marielle find peace in her time after , " Elise more commanded than said.  
    We each repeated her phrase quietly.  
    The Sidhe thanked us for our presence . Small nods and light handshakes were passed around , covering mutters of blood and death under cold breath. We let them be; they made excuses about finding a way to track the murderer. They'd be in touch when they needed us again. We slowly wound our way through the park back to Elise's church, Kadrix's fingers entwined with Quin's. I had to smile; they gently leaned into each other, their steps matching. They fit. The elf certainly wasn't my choice for my twin, but as Lysander was proving , sometimes we have to look outside of our usual biases.  
    The quiet contemplation on the nature of life and the role of the varying species within the city and the web of life was shattered by Zair's little smirk. Tiel strutted in front of him, a grin plastered on his face.  
    "How quaint. You all look delightful , " he said.
    Quin put himself between me and Tiel stopping me from punching him. Lysander snarled but remained at my side. Elise's calm facade shattered. She exploded at them. Her body seemed to double in size as she stood taller . Her muscles went taut. Her rage encompassed her.  
    "How dare you show up now! You foolish, worthless pieces of shit. You stand there in your fucking suits while we mourn for the loss of a good soul that you killed."
    Zair raised his hand a little and went to speak. Elise slapped the words from his mouth.  
    "You killed her. You and your moronic little mistake that allowed a killer loose in our city. Not just any killer, a half-trained warrior that can hide from us."
    Tiel chuckled. Elise squared up to him, her body vibrating as she fought for control.  
    "You're really very pretty when you're pissed , priestess , " Tiel said nonchalantly.
    "I'll show you ‘pretty , ’" she snarled before she grabbed his balls in a vice-like grip.  
    All colour left the celestial's face. He choked and spluttered as he doubled over in agony.  
    "Mock me again and I will rip these off, before I take my time gutting you , " she whispered harshly.
    I hadn't even dreamt of Elise speaking in such a way before. The dainty little priestess was a force to be reckoned with, but she had turned into a volatile storm that would make even the most hardened warriors quake. I loved her all the more for it.  
    Zair lifted his hands and stepped back. "We were here to pass on some news."
    Elise narrowed her eyes at them. Quin and Kadrix stopped me from pushing forwards; the edge to his words told me it was nothing good.  
    "The witch that Evie coupled with was killed by the rogue last night."
    My stomach dropped. My lungs shrank, suddenly incapable of taking in any air.  
    "I was there yesterday afternoon , " I said quietly.
    Lysander's arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me close , giving me an anchor to the world. Lucien's face flashed in my mind, the sexy smile, the way his eyes danced with merriment, how his lips had brushed my skin. I remembered the flash of white. It must have been the celestial. I choked. How had I not known? The world spun for what felt like an eternity before I regained my composure.  
    "You're sure it was your rogue?" I said quietly.
    Zair took another two large steps back as everyone glared at him; even Tiel had the good sense to back off.  
    "We're sure , " he said.  
    "How do you know?" Kadrix asked sharply.  
    "The style is distinctly his, and there was a

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