Witch Infernal (Infernal Hunt Book 3)

Free Witch Infernal (Infernal Hunt Book 3) by Holly Evans

Book: Witch Infernal (Infernal Hunt Book 3) by Holly Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Holly Evans
    Fortunately , the shop was empty when we walked in. Lucien's face brightened when he saw me; it quickly turned sour when he saw the hound at my back. I held up my hand when he opened his hands and went to talk.  
    "You cursed my hound."
    He narrowed his eyes and ran his thumb over his split lip before he tenderly touched the black bruise on his cheekbone.  
    "He started it."
    The hound pressed against me, eager to start it again.  
    "Back , " I growled without looking at him.
    He stepped back and growled under his breath. I glared at him, he looked away and went quiet. Lucien smirked. I strode over to him and fought to keep some semblance of calm.  
    "No one hurts or threatens my hound. Understood?"
    He opened his mouth. I placed my finger on his lips.  
    "No arguments. I don't give a shit if he started it. He has been reprimanded and it will not happen again. Are we clear?" I said coldly.
    He kissed down along the edge of my palm, his eyes flicking to the hound.  
    "We're clear , " he said seductively.  
    I raised an eyebrow. "You two will leave each other alone. I belong to neither of you."
    Lucien's smirk broadened, his eyes dancing with merriment. The hound kept his head down, a growl rumbled in his throat. Lucien's hand went to my hip. I stepped back.  
    "Don't push it."
    He gave me his best sexy pout , and I found myself starting to melt. I turned away .  
    "It's over , " was all I said as I left with the hound just behind me.
    A flicker of something white, a tall broad man caught my eye as he vanished around the corner. I shrugged. Blond men were unusual in the city; it wasn't unexpected that he'd catch my eye. My heart thundered in my chest, the emotions roiled within me. We walked along the tramline while I composed myself. It was such an absurd mess. The hound started to relax behind me, his anger melting away to guilt and sadness. My own mood shifted with his , and I cursed the bond. I never had any interest in territorial men; my life was my own , and I had demonstrated time and time again I could look after myself. Yet that hound was dangerously close to making me reconsider that stance.  
    We sat on a simple wooden bench and waited for the next tram. He went to sit on the floor by my feet , but thought better of it and sat a foot away from me on the bench.  
    I pointed to the space next to me and said, "sit."
    He scooted closer, refusing to look at me. I stroked behind his ear, running my fingers over his neck in a motion that soothed us both.  
    "Give me time. There will be no others, but I still need time , " I said softly.
    It was a hard admission to make. That I was falling for an infernal beast , of all things. I didn't know how much was the bond and how much was my own shattered heart, but I couldn't deny it was happening anymore. He nuzzled his cheek against my hand and the familiar warmth of his happiness fluttered in my chest. A smile tugged at my lips , and I saw no reason to resist it. Things were looking up. My chance at real happiness was packaged differently to my hopes and dreams, but Lysander was just that. My chance at happiness.


    The evening and night had been surprisingly peaceful, given everything that had happened. Quin had crawled into bed sometime after midnight. Lysander and I had sparred for a couple of hours to vent and keep up good practice before we curled up in bed together. The memories I'd shared with him burnt in the back of my mind, but it was becoming easier to push them aside and focus on the sweet creature that had wrapped himself around me, protecting me from the cold dark world.  
    Elise had arranged a small ceremony of sorts for the nymph; we'd all chosen to attend. The celestials had caused it , yet I couldn't help but feel some edge of guilt, some unseen role that I'd played in the poor woman's death. Haeyl knelt on the earth where her body had been, his head bowed. Tears tumbled down his cheeks while he said a quiet Sidhe prayer. Azfin stood at

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