The Green Tsunami: A Tidal Wave of Eco-Babble Drowning Us All

Free The Green Tsunami: A Tidal Wave of Eco-Babble Drowning Us All by Warren Duffy

Book: The Green Tsunami: A Tidal Wave of Eco-Babble Drowning Us All by Warren Duffy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Warren Duffy
mischief seem to follow him wherever he goes.
    During his presidential campaign, one such bizarre incident involved
a typical luncheon fund raiser at a Buddhist Temple in Hacienda
Heights, CA, a small community just east of downtown Los Angeles.
Among other guests, Al’s audience included the saffron-robed monks
who take an obligatory vow of poverty as they become priests in their
religious order. Yet somehow, Gore’s presidential campaign managed
to collect contributions at the luncheon of more than $100,000.
    An investigation soon followed. The monks were called before a
Congressional Investigating Committee asking them who arranged
the function and most important who donated all that money? As a
result of the investigation, twenty co-conspirators (fortunately none
of them Buddhist monks) went to jail for their part in the fiasco. Many
suspected a sinister plot by the Chinese government to exert influence
on America’s presidential election was somehow behind the scam. Al
publicly mumbled something about “no controlling legal authority”
and the mainstream media and the U.S. Congress gave Al and his
presidential campaign a free pass.
    Even Al’s Nobel Peace Prize was tainted, as he shared it with the
now-disgraced U.N. organization, the International Panel on Climate
Change (the IPCC). You remember them, the U.N. scientists who
cooked the “climate books” all those years in favor of “Global
    In England, Al’s film was shown in public school classrooms.
English parents, skeptical of the outrageous claims Gore made in his
film, demanded the schools stop showing his movie. When that failed,
the parents filed a formal lawsuit with the London High Court and
demanded Gore prove his environmental claims or admit they were
false. Evidence from both sides was weighed at trial and the esteemed
judge ruled, “The Armageddon scenario that he depicts…. is not
based on any scientific view.”
    The judge ordered whenever Al’s movie was shown to English
school children, each impressionable child must be given a 77-page
booklet detailing the nine specific central errors contained in “An
Inconvenient Truth”. As Republican political analyst, Karl Rove, says
with a chuckle, “Al doesn’t tell Whoppers, he tells double-patty with
cheese, super-sized Whoppers.” However, do you recall reading about
the trial in any national or local newspapers? .
    “An Inconvenient Truth” has turned out to be, at the very least,
“An Inconsistent Truth”. The public was sold a marvelous fictional
account of impending disaster that rivals anything published since the
fables of C.S Lewis, H. R. R. Tolkien and Harry Potter combined.
Governments have accepted the eco-babble as fact and spent billions,
if not trillions, of dollars to perpetuate environmental myths.
    As we revisit Al’s fantastic claims, more and more of them are being
revealed as the hoax they truly are. First and foremost, the globe is not
warming. In fact, as previously referenced, in 16 of the last 18 years the
Earth’s temperature has remained more or less unchanged. Recently
it has, almost unbelievably, started to cool. That cooling trend is now
the major concern of virtually every climate scientist around the earth,
the exact opposite of Al’s global warming scenario.
    Second, remember Al’s claim that the Himalayan glaciers were melting and would disappear by the year 2035? Turns out that story was
printed in 1999 in “New Science” magazine and was an off handed
quote attributed to a pair of environmental hikers, not scientists, not
scientific observers, but two hikers. The story appeared in print and
fit neatly into Al’s “Global Warming” scenario, so he included it in
his movie. For years, it was considered an indisputable fact. Now, the
Himalayan glacier myth has melted but the glaciers are still there, as
icy and cold as ever. “New Science” magazine has since retracted the
story, but

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