The Green Tsunami: A Tidal Wave of Eco-Babble Drowning Us All

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Book: The Green Tsunami: A Tidal Wave of Eco-Babble Drowning Us All by Warren Duffy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Warren Duffy
not Al or the mainstream media.
    No doubt, we all remember those hopeless white polar bears in Al’s
movie seen floating on a small chunk of ice. While there is good news
for polar bear fans, there is bad news for the environmental alarmists. According to the America’s Fish and Wildlife Service latest polar
bear census, the polar bears are multiplying abundantly. As a matter
of fact, the natives who live in the Arctic wilds are asking the bears be
removed from the “Endangered Species” list so they can be hunted,
lest they over-populate the area and threaten the local citizenry.
    One of the grandest claims made in Al’s film was rising ocean levels
causing another ocean crisis. Because the glaciers and ice fields were
melting, coastal cities around the world would be flooded within the
predictable future. Las Vegas would become a beach front community
and perhaps Pittsburg, PA as well. Rising oceans would surely inundate the populated islands in the South Pacific and the Caribbean.
Flooding of the islands would forever change civilization as we know
it. All, of course, are foolish predictions that simply haven’t happened
the way Al told us they would.
    The oceans of the world are very accurately measured by ocean
buoys that are strategically placed all over the planet. A colleague of
mine, Lord Christopher Monkton (who served as Margaret Thatcher’s
environmental advisor), sent me an email reporting that the oceans
of the world “will rise about 1 inch (you read that right, one inch)
during the next century” (yes, a one inch rise in the next 100 years).
Lord Monckton is nothing short of a genius and his website is an
encyclopedia of common sense environmentalism that doesn’t mince
words. You will find it listed in the back of this book.
    As Gore raked in massive profits from his film career and received
global accolades for his courageous reporting about the earth’s
impending environmental disasters, he began rethinking his career as
an environmental advocate. He decided to purse a second career path,
that of an “environmental investor”. In 2006, Gore was invited to join
as full partner in the Silicon Valley venture capitol firm, Kleiner Perkins
Caulfield & Byers (KPCB), who provided funding for a great deal of
Silicon Valley’s pioneers. Many predicted Al would soon become the
world’s first “Carbon Billionaire”.
    Gore’s investments in an astounding array of environmental projects have indeed added to his incredible wealth. Unfortunately, that
cloud of misfortune has followed Al into this newest career being
known now as a “do as I say, not as I do” environmentalist.
    Al owns four homes across the country. One is located in Arlington,
Virginia across the Potomac River from the nation’s capitol and
another located in Carthage, Tennessee in the district he represented
as a U.S. Senator. He purchased a third home in Nashville with an
expansive 20 rooms and 10,000 square feet of living space. But it has
become nothing short of an environmental public relations disaster.
The mansion reportedly uses more than 30 times the annual electricity than the average Nashville electric customer with not a single solar
panel in sight.
    A few years ago, Al bought his fourth home, best described as a
mega-estate in Montecito, California. The asking price for the mansion
was $8.8 million dollars. Not bad for a former presidential candidate
who was hustling college speaking dates after his loss in the 2000
election. Pictures of the new Gore “California Palace” can be found
online with not one visible solar panel anywhere.
    To say that Al’s fortunes have increased significantly in recent years
would be something of a gross understatement. However, during an
August 2011 speech he delivered at The Aspen Institute in Colorado,
the first visible chinks in Al’s always-confident demeanor were exposed.
    Al began his talk slowly and somewhat defensively claiming that

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