The Green Tsunami: A Tidal Wave of Eco-Babble Drowning Us All

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Book: The Green Tsunami: A Tidal Wave of Eco-Babble Drowning Us All by Warren Duffy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Warren Duffy

“special interest groups were paying pseudo-scientists to pretend to be
scientists and put out the message, ‘this climate thing, it’s nonsense’.
Manmade CO-2 doesn’t trap heat,” he said. And then he shocked the
audience as he shouted into the microphone, “Bull-****!”
He continued his tirade, “It may be sunspots. Bull****!”
It’s not getting warmer. Bull****!”
    “It’s no longer acceptable in mixed company, meaning bipartisan
company, to use the G**-damn word ‘climate’”.
The man who once claimed he invented the internet soon found his
unfortunate meltdown had gone viral.
As the year 2012 came to a close, Gore was finalizing the sale of his
failing television network, Current TV, to a company backed by the
oil-rich, Middle East nation of Qatar, a country that has become sickeningly wealthy by selling Al’s dreaded “fossil fuels” to the rest of the
world. Remember, in his movie “An Inconvenient Truth”, he claimed
fossil fuels were the cause of CO-2 emissions and they in turn caused
global warming. Al, as an investor, not an advocate, is a 20% owner of
the Current TV network. His take of the $500,000,000 deal netted
Al a tidy check for $100 million.
Glen Beck revealed publically that his communications company,
Mercury, offered to buy Current TV from Gore. Apparently, Beck’s
conservative viewpoint didn’t fit Gore’s agenda. According to a press
release from Gore, following the transaction, Al Jazeera television
seemed a better fit. By the way, this is the network in the Middle East
that once posted beheadings by Al Qaeda terrorists, but yet seemed
more aligned with Gore’s philosophy of hard hitting television news
The transaction has fallen under a tad bit of scrutiny from the mainstream media. In a recent interview on NBC’s “Today Show”, Matt
Lauer suggested Al was guilty of hypocrisy. Al said he understood the
view point but disagreed with the reasoning.
Al is a wealthy man, but must be unhappy with his film completely
discredited, full of factual errors and his Nobel Peace Prize shared with
a bunch of U.N. sponsored scientists who have been found wanting.
The mainstream media continues to beat his “environmental drum”
as though nothing has happened while our local, state, federal and
international governments continue to use his fanciful conclusions as
the basis for economic policy and massive investments of scarce public
tax dollars.
His phony globalist environmental agenda continues to be foisted
on our local communities in the name of the United Nation’s “Agenda
21” ICLEI programs. However, as American citizens are getting
informed they are beginning to push back.
Recalling the John Birch Society ‘70s slogan, “Get the U.S. out
of the U.N.” coupled with decades of Americans demanding “Get
the U.N. out of America”, now more than ever both have become a
renewed rallying cry across the nation.
    Consider how far the goals of global environmentalists have crept
into our federal government and the astounding number of greenenergy businesses that have been given federal loans from the U.S.
Department of Energy and then quickly went bankrupt.
    Solyndra is probably the best known example of green investment
gone awry, though the business was only awarded a $535-million loan
guarantee. To date, 36 firms that received federal assistance for their
“green energy” projects have either gone bust, are preparing to enter
bankruptcy or have begun laying off workers instead of growing green
    Sunpower was a solar project that received $1.2 billion, First Solar
received $1.46 billion and Brightsource Energy pulled in $1.6 billion—all from Uncle Stupid in D.C. Not including those three green
investments, thirty three other projects received over $2,812,000,000
of wasted federal tax money. If President Obama’s second inaugural
address is any

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