The Zombie Survival Guide: How To Live Like A King After The Outbreak

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Book: The Zombie Survival Guide: How To Live Like A King After The Outbreak by Etienne DeForest, Art Gelsinger Read Free Book Online
Authors: Etienne DeForest, Art Gelsinger
to three days of initial training before showing any signs of submission. Therefore, you must become the epitome of diligence if you ever expect to see any results. However, once the creature becomes even remotely hesitant in its aggression toward you, it is time to give it one more savage butt whipping for good measure, then reward your vassal with a scrap or two of brains for its obedience. Where you get these brains is entirely up to you, just so long as they aren’t coming out of your head, and you are the one who decides when to dole them out.

Phase 2
    After the soon-to-be slave begins to submit to your will, you will need to reward their behavior if you expect this to continue. Do this only after the creature does not immediately advance toward your cranium after being beaten to the ground, but rather hesitates for at least 45 to 60 seconds. If this behavior occurs, then you have made great progress. Rewarding the beast before this will render all of your efforts thus far pointless, and you will need to begin training again from the start.
    Once the zombie shows signs of relenting, put some human brains in a dog dish and feed this to them. This will help them to understand that they are allowed to eat, but only on your, the master’s terms. Do not attempt to hand feed the creature at this point, as you will likely lose some fingers in the process.
    Before training even begins, however, you need to procure the grisly reward. It is quite likely that you will come across a recently deceased, non-zombified human at some point in your travels. When you do find one (or simply create one for yourself), you must then undertake the gruesome task of harvesting its brain matter for obedience compensation to your future blood servant. After procurement of said compensation, refrigerate them to keep them fresh, as zombies are not particularly fond of rotten brains. If they were, they’d just as soon eat their own! If there are no means of chilling them, however, you can smoke or salt them. Though not as coveted by zombies as refrigerated brains, preserved brains are the next best substitute.
    After the monster eats its reward, patiently wait for its next attack. If you have allowed your training to be guided by the aforementioned methods, you should notice a distinct change in your subject’s behavior. Rather than attacking within a minute, the creature will likely hesitate for a good ten minutes before reaching for more brains – your brains.
    If you do not achieve this level of basic obedience after the first reward, you have two options: Begin the training from scratch, or promptly de-brain the failure and find a new meat bag to train. As you train more and more zombies, you will learn how to subjugate those with stronger wills. However, for now, you should stick to ones that can be more easily tamed.
    Hopefully you got lucky on your first attempt, and your new pet will show immediate signs of submission after being rewarded. Again, wait in a non-threatening pose and its hunger will eventually provoke another attack.
    When this happens, repeat the vicious series of beatings delivered previously. This should be easier than the first round of bludgeoning, as you will have by now sapped a good deal of the creature’s strength and will. And although you need to be brutal, you do not need to continue beating the creature after it has fallen to the ground. As soon as it drops, you can cease the punishment.
    Get out a stopwatch. After every ten minute increase in the amount of time it takes for the undead to initiate its attack, give it another reward.
    Good zombie…
    If you’re lucky, this whole process will only take six or seven rounds of beating. By know your servant should be flinching whenever you show physical signs of anger, such as raising your voice or fists. However, it is unlikely that you will have instilled the level of fear needed to fully control the zombie in one day.

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