Real Vampires Know Hips Happen

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Book: Real Vampires Know Hips Happen by Gerry Bartlett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gerry Bartlett
Tags: Vampires
without me. It was pretty ugly stuff.” I sighed then gave her the short version.
    “A Siren. How cool is that?” Cait looked me over. “Powers come with that?”
    “A few. I’ll show you later.” We all looked toward the hall when the doctor and Jerry emerged. The doctor looked grimuntil he spotted Caitlin. He instantly became all charm. Did I mention Jerry’s sister had her brother’s dark good looks? Add those to her generous curves and Cait was something of a man magnet herself.
    “I’m going to have to run some tests. Jerry and I are headed to my clinic in the city, Laird.” He nodded toward the love seat where Cait and I were crammed thigh to thigh. “Bart O’Connor.”
    Cait jumped to her feet, dragging me with her. “I’m Jerry’s sister Caitlin and this is Gloriana St. Clair, his girlfriend, the one he can’t remember after, oh, four centuries. Any idea what’s up with that, Doc?”
    “It’s a very unusual case. Selective amnesia, I guess you could call it. That’s why I want the tests. A brain scan for one.” Bart moved closer. “I’m wondering why we haven’t met before, Caitlin. Get into the city often?”
    “No. I live in London now. Divorced my first husband a century and a half ago and have been bouncing around Europe ever since.” Cait put her arm through mine. “Glory taught me the wisdom of avoiding long-term entanglements.”
    “Quit spouting your feminist nonsense and listen to the doctor.” Angus moved in between Cait and Bart. “Now what do you think? Is there a cure?”
    “Da, leave him alone. The man just got my case.” Jerry looked pale and I could tell he needed to feed.
    “Would you like to drink from me, Jer?” I scooted to his side. “I won’t mind. You are obviously weak and I hope taking some of my blood will help you remember.”
    “Not necessarily a bad idea.” Bart finally gave me his full attention. “You two really were an item for centuries?” He sounded skeptical.
    “Yes. Jerry loves me and I love him. I’ll do whatever it takes to help him remember that fact.” I held out my wrist, waving it under Jerry’s nose.
    “No, I don’t want your blood. Not now. After what I heard a few minutes ago, you really think I want to be thatclose to you?” He shoved my arm away. “Bring me some of that fake blood. It’s tolerable and I won’t be any more beholden to you, Gloriana, than I already am.”
    “Beholden?” I stepped back, bumping into Caitlin. “Damn it, Jerry, I’d give my blood, my life, if it would help you get your memory back.” I turned and stared blindly at the TV, the cars whizzing past in a blur that was caused more by my tears than their speed as a yellow flag waved in the corner of the screen.
    “Jeremiah, don’t be an ass. Glory loves you. Let her prove it.” Cait poked her brother in the chest before putting an arm around my shoulders. “You don’t seriously think she was behind your stabbing, do you?”
    “I don’t know what the hell to think.” He took a bottle of synthetic from a servant and drank. “I’m glad you’re here, Caitie, but I’m disappointed that you’d take this woman’s side over your own brother’s.”
    “This woman is my friend. You loved her. Still love her when you aren’t daft.” Cait turned me to face him. “I believe her when she says she didn’t have anything to do with your stabbing. When you get your mind back, you’re going to have to grovel to get her to forgive you.”
    Jerry just drank the rest of his AB positive and set the empty on a tray with a clatter. “We’ll see. I’m taking it one night at a time. Now let’s get out of here, Bart. Don’t suppose you brought a horse.”
    “No, of course not. We’ll go in my Porsche. I like fast cars.” He glanced at Caitlin. “And expensive things. I promise you’ll be comfortable.”
    “In one of those machines? Doubt it.” Jerry trudged to the door, his shoulders slumped. “Bloody hell, you’d better help me get my

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