Real Vampires Know Hips Happen

Free Real Vampires Know Hips Happen by Gerry Bartlett

Book: Real Vampires Know Hips Happen by Gerry Bartlett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gerry Bartlett
Tags: Vampires
remote and turning on the television set.
    “Yes, but the right way to handle Jerry.” I sighed and sat on the sofa, prepared for a wait. “The doctor seemed confident and competent. If the cost of his suit is any indication.”
    “He’s top drawer. Cost the earth too. But I don’t mind paying the freight if he brings my boy back to me.” Angussettled back, a car race on the tube. “I’ll give him that knife to analyze. That was a good idea. Maybe he can come up with an antidote. Not giving a MacDonald any part of this, I hope you know.”
    “I get it, Angus. I told you, I would only go to Ian as a last resort.”
    “Then we’re agreed. Not that you’ll have any say-so in Jeremiah’s treatment, come to that.” Angus looked at me, one eyebrow raised.
    “Jerry has asked me to stay.”
    “It’s his call. I do remember that the boy loved you. I hope it wasn’t due to some trickery on your part. Herself will be arriving here before dawn. If you have something to hide, she’ll ferret it out.” Angus nodded, happy to let his wife take care of me. I could only dread it.
    “Herself. You mean Jerry’s mother?” My stomach did a double backflip.
    “None other. I called her of course, called everyone in the family. She’s hell on wheels when one of her babes is in trouble. Of course she left Paris as soon as the sun set. Doesn’t take that long to get here from there, flying.” He punched a button on the remote and started his usual channel surfing.
    “Great. Just great.” I picked up the bottle of synthetic I’d opened for breakfast and took a big swallow. I’d need my strength if I was going to face Jerry’s mother. To say she hated me was an understatement. She’d tried to kill me early in our relationship. Only Jerry’s interference and my own cleverness had saved me. Since then we’d declared an uneasy truce. Now she’d have even more reason to want me out of her son’s life. I sighed and took another drink. Maybe it was time for me to let him go. I could almost hear my mother cackling with glee at that thought.
    The door into the castle opened again and a whirlwind of activity got Angus and me to our feet. Before I knew what had hit me I was wrapped in an embrace and a cloud of expensive perfume.
    “Glory, I got here as soon as I could. Did I beat Ma?”
    I pulled back and looked over the woman who rushed from me to the laird. Caitlin Campbell, one of Jerry’s sisters, had always been my ally. I found myself grinning as she started in on her father.
    “You haven’t been bullying Glory, have you, Da?”
    “Now, Caitie, I have to protect your brother. She no more than arrives than he’s set upon and stabbed. What do you think about that?” Angus frowned and settled back into his chair, the TV on mute.
    “I say it’s pure bad luck. She didn’t stab him, did she?” Cait glanced at me. “Not that my brother can’t be provoking.”
    “Of course not. We’d had a fine reunion. Jer was glad to see me.” I couldn’t quit smiling. I did love Jerry’s sister. She was tall, with generous curves, and never failed to speak her mind. In fact, she was a lot like my best bud Flo except twice the size and Scottish.
    “Da said Mara actually wielded the knife. But then she’s set to marry a McLeod. Can’t figure out the connection there.” Cait turned and started directing the “lads” as she called them as to where to put a large amount of very expensive luggage.
    “There is no connection, Caitie. Mara was spelled. By a witch. She didn’t know what she was doing when she attacked your brother.” Angus still looked at me suspiciously. “Of course it happened just minutes after Gloriana got here.”
    “Leave it alone, Da. Glory would never hurt Jeremiah. Not like that. Give the girl credit for more finesse.” Cait sat beside me on the love seat. “Update. What’s going on now? Has he remembered you yet?”
    “No, not a glimmer. And I had to confess what had caused him to come home

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