Real Vampires Know Hips Happen

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Book: Real Vampires Know Hips Happen by Gerry Bartlett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gerry Bartlett
Tags: Vampires
mind back with this.”
    “I’ll do my best.” Bart winked at Cait. “Ladies, perhaps we’ll see you in the city.”
    “You bet your stethoscope you will.” Cait grabbed her designer bag. “Glory, are you still packed?”
    “Yes, I didn’t bother to get out more than my toothbrush last night.”
    “Then let’s go. You follow me in that rented junker I saw parked outside and turn it in. I’ll drive Jerry’s Jag. We’ll stay at the town house.” She grinned at her father, who grumbled about high-handed women. “We need to be close to the action, Da. In case Jerry’s memory needs a nudge. You know Glory is the one to remind him, don’t you?”
    “I suppose. But you know how your brother is about his cars. Take care with your driving.” He shook his head as Caitlin kissed him on the cheek. “And don’t be so quick to take sides. Gloriana is not only claiming to be a Siren, she’s been acting like one. Make her tell you the whole tale, then see if you want to be her champion.”
    “I will. Relax, Da. I’ll keep you posted about Jeremiah’s condition. Tell Ma hello for me.” She started ordering the long-suffering servants to bring out her luggage. “See you in town, Bart. Might even beat you there. I like fast cars too.” She smiled at the doctor.
    I ended up having to deal with my own luggage since the servants weren’t so keen on helping me. Obviously they’d been listening to the conversation in the living room and I was being eyed with suspicion. By the time I was on the road, agreeing just to meet Cait in Edinburgh later as she sped away in that gleaming Jaguar, I was pretty sure that I was well out of that castle. No one there wanted me to stay and a vampire sure doesn’t like to fall into her death sleep surrounded by people she can’t trust.
    •  •  •
    “I can’t believe you hit that post.” I frowned in dismay at Jerry’s beloved Jaguar and the dent in its back bumper.
    “The parking is impossible along here. I had to make a space. He’ll never notice that little ding.” Cait climbed out of the car and reached back for her purse.
    “From now on, I’m driving.” I looked up and down thenarrow brick street lined with expensive town houses. Bart’s offices were along there somewhere. But you’d never know it unless you looked closely at the brass plaques next to the shiny lacquered doors.
    “You think you can do better? Have at it. But, remember, you will be on what you Yanks call the wrong side of the street.” Cait tossed me the keys.
    “I’ll take my chances. Now which one is his office?” I started walking down the brick sidewalk.
    “The green door. I looked it up on Google maps. See? There’s his name.” Cait started up the steps that led to the door. “ You look a little green. What’s up?”
    “There’s something I haven’t told you, Cait. In a way, this is all my fault. The attack on Jerry.” There, I’d said it and I felt better already. That is until Cait threw me up against the iron railing next to the steps. I felt the metal cutting into my back and the heat of Cait’s temper flaming from her eyes.
    “Explain.” She jerked me down the steps and up the street before I had a chance to gasp out a word. Soon we were in a dark alley with only a stray cat and a garbage bin for company.
    “It…it’s my mother.” I wrenched her fingers away from my throat.
    “You have a mother? Since when?” Her mouth dropped open and she stepped back.
    “I just found out. She’s a goddess, from Olympus. You don’t want to mess with her.”
    “She’s right, Caitlin.” There was a shimmering white light and the goddess herself materialized next to us. Great, just what I needed. A visit from Mommie Dearest.
    “Are you kidding me?” Cait pressed back against the wall. “This is your long-lost mother?”
    “So she claims anyway. I haven’t seen a DNA test to prove it.”
    “You dare doubt me, Daughter?” Thunder shook the stones under our feet and

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