Worth Waiting For

Free Worth Waiting For by Vanessa Devereaux

Book: Worth Waiting For by Vanessa Devereaux Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vanessa Devereaux
was wrong with her hormones. Perhaps something in the
town’s water supply.
    Kate turned over onto
her back again and looked up at the ceiling. This wasn’t any good. If she
stayed in bed with Brock this close to her she’d do the unspeakable and seduce
him in his sleep.
    Cold shower. She’d
take a shower and maybe that would cool her libido.
    She swung her legs
around and sat on the side of the bed. She stood slowly, hoping Brock wouldn’t feel
any movement and then tip-toed to the bathroom. Kate pulled back the shower
curtain and was bending over the tub ready to turn on the taps when she felt two
firm hands grab either side of her hips.
    “Caught you,” said
    “Good morning. Hope I
didn’t wake you.” She was about to stand up and turn around when Brock stopped
    “I kind of liked the
view when I walked in here. Your little ass was stuck up in the air and I even
got a glimpse of your pussy.”
    So it wasn’t just she
who felt horny this morning. Maybe it was something in the dishes Henri was
creating. He was, after all, French, and they were experts on, oops—love and
romance, not sex.
    “You want to save on
water and take a shower together?” he asked.
    She pushed the
curtain back, stepped over the side of the tub, and beckoned him in with her
index finger.
    He kissed her and
pulled her close as soon as he was in the shower.
    The water hit their
faces and dripped down their bodies. The combination of the hot steam, the
pulsating rhythm of the shower, and the sexy, spicy scent of Brock made her
almost giddy.
    His lips moved down
her neck, and he nuzzled against her collarbone.
    Could the man look
any sexier now that his hair was wet, slicked back, and darker? His designer stubble
was tempting enough to run her fingers and tongue over, which she did.
    “You trying to tell
me I need to shave? In fact, you want to do it for me?”
    “Yeah, with the razor
I use for my legs and underarms.”
    “Okay…on second
thought, stubble’s in, right?”
    Kate laughed. She
hadn’t done that for a long time.
    He kissed her again,
this time running a hand over her breasts, down her belly, and into her curls.
    She reciprocated by trailing
her hand over his stomach, which met with his rock-hard cock.
    “You know the condoms
are in the bedroom, and I don’t feel like getting out of here and getting
them,” said Brock.
    “Me neither.” She
playfully bit his bottom lip as she spoke. “How about we go to work on each
other and leave the stuff that requires a condom for later?”
good to me.”
    Kate stroked his cock
while he buried his finger deep inside her curls. She spread her legs slightly
for him.
    “Let’s see who can
bring the other one to climax first,” said Brock.
    “You’re on.”
    She rested her head on
his shoulder as he pumped his finger into her, each time his movements getting
harder, faster, and deeper. She gripped his cock with more intensity. She
wanted to win but at the same time wanted Brock to take her to paradise soon.
    Kate took a deep
breath, hoping she would hold out a little longer to at least make this more of
a contest, but Brock was making that close to impossible. She couldn’t help it.
She bit into his shoulder as she climaxed and then cried out. She eased down
his body, causing her hand to slip off his cock. “I’m sorry,” she said.
    “Hey, no need to
    “Guess you win, but
how about I do this?”
    She took his cock and
placed it between her own legs and slid it back and forth over her very slick
    “Hey, Kate, that
feels great but I think we should use a condom with my dick being this close to
your pussy…just in case.”
    She kissed him. “No
problem, but don’t worry about us having an accident, because I can’t get
pregnant. In fact, I think it’s why my husband found another woman.”

    Chapter Nine
    Brock watched Kate
chop the potatoes for the seafood chowder. He’d wanted to hold her, hug her, make

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