Constable & Toop

Free Constable & Toop by Gareth P. Jones

Book: Constable & Toop by Gareth P. Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gareth P. Jones
tree in the garden, fearing that its roots might be interfering with the outer wall.
    Suddenly the strangest thing happened. The drawing-room curtain flapped wildly and the curtain rail fell away from the wall and crashed to the floor.
    Once everyone had recovered from the shock and a man had been called to come and repair the curtain, there was much discussion of what had happened. Mrs Tiltman blamed poor workmanship, Mr Tiltman wondered whether a freak gust of wind could have blown in and caused it, but Clara had seen perfectly clearly the creases at the bottom of the curtains as a pair of invisible hands yanked at them.
    Clara said nothing, but it was clear to her that her father’s suggestion to remove the tree planted in memory of Lady Aysgarth’s lost child had angered Her Ladyship so much that she had made her presence known. Clara had long since held her suspicions. Now she knew it was true. Aysgarth House had a ghost.

The Man in Grey
    Lapsewood stood outside Drury Lane Theatre watching the crowds of people eagerly enter through the double-doors between the two magnificent pillars. It was so busy outside that it was impossible to avoid being walked through, but that didn’t stop him from trying. Lapsewood had always had a squeamish disposition and had no desire to see any more of the workings of people’s heads than was strictly necessary.
    â€˜That some kind of new dance you’re doing, love?’
    He turned to see an attractive woman, wearing a blouse that hung precariously off each shoulder, with daringly few buttons done up. She was clearly a ghost, but he had never seen such life in a spirit’s eyes.
    Lapsewood’s inability to speak in the presence of female beauty prevented him from uttering anything but a series of disconnected grunts and stammered half-words. Unsure where to look, he held up his hand, giving the impression that he was, quite literally, dazzled by the woman’s beauty.
    â€˜There something the matter with you?’ she asked.
    â€˜I’m waiting for my friend,’ he replied, thankful that he managed to form a complete sentence, even if the remark was utterly incongruous.
    She laughed. ‘You never seen a lady before?’
    â€˜Never, er . . . never quite so much of one,’ replied Lapsewood.
    The woman laughed. ‘I don’t normally get no complaints,’ she said, holding out her hand. ‘Nell. Pleased to meet you.’
    â€˜Lapsewood,’ he replied, taking her hand and holding it, unsure whether he was supposed to shake or kiss it and compromising by waving it somewhere near his face.
    More laughter from the woman.
    â€˜I wouldn’t go in that theatre if that’s what you’re planning,’ said Nell.
    â€˜You mean in case it’s infected with the Black Rot?’ asked Lapsewood in hushed fear.
    â€˜No. It’s
tonight and the lead is one of those slow speakers. I heard this version is running over five hours long.’ She laughed and slapped him on his arm.
    â€˜I must enter. You see, I’m looking for a woman,’ said Lapsewood, rubbing his arm.
    Nell laughed and fluttered her eyelashes flirtatiously. ‘What a fresh one you are,’ she said. ‘If you’re after female company then look no further than old Nell.’
    Lapsewood coughed, embarrassed. ‘I mean to say a woman by the name of Doris McNally.’
    â€˜Never heard of her,’ replied Nell, sounding a little put out. ‘But you’re right, you want to be careful which houses you step into these days. The Black Rot is infecting more every day.’
    â€˜So I’ve heard. Do you know what could be causing it?’
    Nell leaned close to Lapsewood, making him feel uncomfortable and uncertain where to look. ‘Must be someone vanquishing ghosts, I reckon,’ she whispered.
    â€˜Vanquishing?’ replied Lapsewood.
    â€˜Exorcism,’ scoffed

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