The Indian Burial Ground Mystery

Free The Indian Burial Ground Mystery by Julie Campbell

Book: The Indian Burial Ground Mystery by Julie Campbell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julie Campbell
    “Here are two,” Di said. “That means we need three more.”
    “I’ll run up to the garage and get them,” Honey said, heading for the
door. “I know where they’re kept.”
    Honey returned a few moments later, and the five young people were ready
to go investigating.
    “This is exciting,” Mart said. “All we have to do is find a treasure
before we’re eaten alive by mosquitoes.”
    Walking quickly, the Bob-Whites reached the village site through one of
the back paths. They didn’t want to alert the graduate students to their
presence. Reddy was crashing around in and out of the bushes, making a lot of
noise. Trixie tried to hush him up and make the excited dog walk quietly beside
her, but it was no use. Reddy was intoxicated by the scent of small animals and
was not about to be controlled. Sounds of noisy laughter and singing floated
through the trees. It was obvious that even if the interlopers were to set off
a few firecrackers, the students wouldn’t have the slightest inkling that they
weren’t alone.
    Once at the village site, Trixie started digging away with her hands at
the low hillside where Charles had begun his search. Great clods of dirt went
flying behind her. Dan found a long stick and was poking the earth to see if it
sank in anywhere. Mart was marching back and forth giving unwanted advice.
    “Mart, if you’re so smart,” Trixie finally said, looking up from her
digging, “why didn’t you remember to bring a shovel? It’s not easy to dig for
treasure with your bare hands.”
    “Clever,” Mart said, scratching his chin. “Very clever—for a novice.”
    “Novice indeed!” Trixie said with a snort.
    Reddy, inspired by Trixie’s digging, started digging his own hole right
next to her. In seconds, a thick spray of dirt coated Trixie from head to toe.
    “Stop that, Reddy!” she scolded.
    Reddy jumped up and down, covering Trixie with dog kisses, and then went
happily back to his digging.
    “Get the dog to do the dirty work,” Mart said with a smirk.
    In the meantime, Dan and Di were examining the map with their flashlights.
    “If there were a cave around here, it would have to be made of
limestone,” Dan said thoughtfully. “But there are no rock formations anywhere
in this area, so the cave would have to be underground, not in the side of a
hill. I think Charles was digging in the wrong place.”
    “Isn’t that a tree?” Di said, pointing to a spot on the map. “I guess it
would have to be a pretty big tree by now, since that map was drawn at least
two hundred years ago.”
    “Wait a minute,” Trixie said. “Maybe this giant log is part of that old
tree. It certainly looks fat enough to be over two hundred years old. And the
other trees around here look like second growth. They’re not tall, and their
trunks are thin. Maybe this place was once a meadow.”
    “All this conjecture is ridiculous without a shovel,” Mart said
pompously. “I’m glad I thought of it.”
    “You didn’t think of it,” Trixie muttered.
    Honey quickly jabbed her elbow into Trixie’s ribs.
    “Yes, he did,” Honey said quickly. “And since he thought of it, he
should be the one to go get it.”
    “Great thinking, Honey,” Trixie put in with a laugh. “Bring two while
you’re at it—they’re small.”
    “I’d better go with you,” Dan said. “We wouldn’t want you to get lost in
the woods.”
    “I would never get lost in the woods, old man,” Mart was
saying as they left the clearing. “But I’m glad you came along. I need someone
to carry the shovels for me.”
    The girls heard Dan burst out laughing. “That’s why I brought you, Mart,” he joked.
    Reddy bounded through the bushes after the two boys.
    “There goes our digging machine,” said Trixie. “Let’s just sit down and
wait for the shovels.”
    Honey laughed and tossed her hair. “You’re right,” she said. “There’s no
sense breaking a fingernail over something as minor as a

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