Promised (The Promised Series)

Free Promised (The Promised Series) by Michelle Turner

Book: Promised (The Promised Series) by Michelle Turner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Turner
Tags: english eBooks
the subject.
    “Truth?” I ask, clearing my throat.
    She looks at me questioningly and says. “Truth.”
    “I’m not applying to any colleges. I plan on enlisting after the summer is over.”
    “But the counselor…”
    “I was going to tell her, but then she brought you in and all I could think about was that I’d get a chance to spend time with you.” I confess, scrubbing my face with my hands to hide my embarrassment.
    She pulls my hands from my face and keeps them in hers. “Don’t be embarrassed. I’ve never had anyone do something like that to be near me. It’s sweet. You’re sweet.”
    I use her holding my hands to my advantage and I pull her to my side of the couch, positioning her with her back to my chest, my arms wrapped around her waist and my face in her neck. “You make me sweet.” I mumble against her neck, causing her to softly moan.
    “Tell me about your parents.”
    “Well, you know Dad’s in the army. He’s been in since I was little. I think he’s like you in the sense that he likes to help people. Mom helps at Aunt Kelly’s bakery. That’s my cousin Nate’s mom and she’s Mom’s sister.”
    “Nate’s the one who rear ended the police car, right?”
    “I guess everyone heard about that, huh?” I chuckle.
    “I think he told everyone about it himself.” She giggles. I should’ve known Nate spread the story around himself. He loves being the center of attention; good or bad, it doesn’t matter to him.
    “How does your mom handle your dad being gone so much?” She asks, snuggling closer to my chest and resting her head against my shoulder.
    “I won’t lie to you. It’s hard on her. I’ve asked her the same question before because I’ve watched her cry every time he leaves. But she told me she understands that he’s doing what he thinks is right and she supports that because she loves him.”
    “She sounds like a strong lady.”
    “She is and she’d like to meet you.” Wyn tenses in my arms and I give her a gentle squeeze to relax her. “Don’t worry. She’ll love you.”
    “I-I-I…” She stammers.
    “Calm down. I’ve told her all about you and she really wants to meet you. Just consider, please.”
    “I’ll meet her.” She agrees softly.
    “Thank you. So tell me about Dani. You two are close and I don’t know anything about her.”
    “Dani’s been my partner in crime since we were little. She married my youngest brother, Adam, last year and they’re having a baby girl this spring. They’re naming her after me.” She turns her head and smiles up at me.
    “Ok, it’s only the middle name. But I’m still going to call her Lil’ Wyn.” I enjoy watching her face light up at the talk of her unborn niece, but it’s bitter sweet because I know this little girl is another reason why she won’t be able to leave her gypsy life behind for me.
    I press a kiss right below her ear and tell her. “This world could use a few more Wyn’s.”
    She turns around and straddles my lap. “One of me is enough. I don’t need the competition.”
    “Competition?” I ask, arching one eye brow.
    “Well, any version of me is going to want you, so I’m glad there’s only one of me. That way, I won’t have to kick my own butt to keep you.” She explains, causing me to laugh.
    I tickle her side as I tease. “You’re such a dork.”
    “Then you must be one too, because you love me. And dork attracts dork.” She giggles, tickling me back.
    “If loving you makes me a dork, then I’ll gladly take that title.” I say, grabbing her hands to stop the tickling.
    Leaning in, she sucks my bottom lip in between hers and nibbles on it, the same way I’ve watched her do with her own lip when she’s nervous. I release her hands so I can hold the back of her head, deepening the kiss. Her hands fall to the buttons of my shirt and she slowly unhooks them. Then, pulling my t-shirt free of my pants, she slips her hand up my abs. Her fingers trail along each

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