Desired Affliction

Free Desired Affliction by C.A. Harms

Book: Desired Affliction by C.A. Harms Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.A. Harms
    Keys rattled the door and we both groaned in
disappointment. “Okay you two can stop dry humping each other…I am home now,”
Megan complained as she dropped her bag to the floor and flopped onto her bed.
I kissed Lexi once more and climbed off of her to quickly adjust myself,
“Thanks for the cock block Megan.” Both the girls laughed, “I’m gonna take off
baby, I’ll see ya later,” she pouted a little but stood to give me one more
kiss before I left them alone.
    I asked Lexi to come home with me for Thanksgiving I knew
she wouldn’t but I wanted to offer anyway. I couldn’t help the disappointment I
felt when she said no. Matt wouldn’t be there which was a really good thing
because I knew the next time I seen him I wouldn’t be able to control my anger.
I knew I would have to beat the shit out of the fucking punk. There was no way
I could not defend Lexi.
    I didn’t want here spending the holiday alone. I felt
horrible that she had no plans. I couldn’t believe that she and her mother were
no longer close. It made me feel a little better that Megan would be staying
here too since her parents had gone on a cruise.
    I convinced Lexi to spend the night with me on Wednesday
night before I left for home. When she showed up at the house I was in the
shower and the fact that she found Hope walk through the kitchen in her bra and
panties just pissed her off. When I walked into my room and found her sitting
on my bed with the death glare I knew something happened. “Is it a normal
gesture to walk around half naked in a house full of Frat guys?” I knew at that
point who she was talking about because Hope got under Lexi skin badly. “It is
if your sleazy and looking for attention…don’t worry about her okay.” I could
tell she was cranky and I didn’t want tonight to be about this. I tried to
soothe her but she didn’t want that so I sat back and let her complain and vent
about Hope…
    I got everything loaded in my car early Thursday before I
woke her up. I ran my hand over her arm. She hated mornings, “Wake up baby…It’s
time for me to leave.”
    She groaned and buried her face in the pillow, “Lexi…I
could just carry you to my car and kidnap you…if you woke up and I was over
halfway home you would have a choice would you?”
    I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face, “If
you weren’t so damn good looking I would hurt you for waking me up,” she
groaned into my chest. I laughed lightly, “Well then I am really glad I am so
sexy.” Lexi reached out and pushed my arm…this girl had me wrapped around her
finger and she didn’t even know it.
    I was hoping she would change her mind at the last minute
but when I pulled up in front of her dorm and she got out I knew that wasn’t
going to happen. “I am going to miss you baby…you sure I can’t convince you to
come with me?” I knew it was a long shot but I desperately wished she would
just give in. When I had told my mom who I was dating she was shocked… ‘Little
Lexi?’ Well she’s all grown up now.
    “I can’t go Kole but I really appreciate the offer. It
was really sweet of you.” She rose up onto her toes and kissed me so lightly
allowing her kips to linger for a few seconds before lowering herself back
down. It was crazy but this girl had my stomach in knots…and it was not a bad
thing just a really unfamiliar thing. I held her close a few minutes longer, “I
guess I better get going.” We had been together every free moment over the last
few weeks and I was not going to be seeing her for four days. It was going to
be a long weekend.
    We exchanged a few more kisses before I got into my car
and drove toward home. I immediately missed her…I have turned into such a
    I turned my radio up to drown out my thoughts of Lexi.
The ride seemed to go by fairly quickly. Pulling into the driveway I got out
stretching my legs. My phone chimed from the passenger seat notifying me of an

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