Hide And Keep

Free Hide And Keep by K. Sterling

Book: Hide And Keep by K. Sterling Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. Sterling
    “Right. But this is bad weird.” He said and Aiden’s head swung back around.
    “Bad weird? You’re implying that there’s a good weird.” He said cautiously. Lane smiled and shrugged.
    “I’ve gotten used to your other weird, it’s grown on me. Its good weird. But now, you’re withdrawn and… tense.” Lane explained. He heard Aiden whisper “Good weird” and he smiled. It made Lane feel better. Aiden’s phone buzzed again and Lane saw him freeze and his jaw clench. “Is that it? Is something wrong in D.C.?” Lane asked. Aiden shook his head quickly.
    “Not in D.C..” He whispered. Lane reached for Aiden and slid his hand around his neck.
    “Do you want to talk about it?” Lane asked as he watched the road. He felt Aiden shake his head.
    “Are we almost there?” His voice was an urgent whisper. Lane nodded and resisted the voice in his head that told him to stop the car and make Aiden tell him what was wrong.
    “It’s just up there.” He said as pointed at the next intersection. Aiden’s eyes started scanning the street frantically. Lane pulled his lips tight and put a lid on his temper.
    When Lane parked, Aiden practically ran for the station door. Lane jogged to catch up and grabbed Aiden by the arm.
    “Aiden!” Lane yelled as he tried to turn him. Aiden looked over his shoulder as he attempted to tug his arm free. His eyes were wild and bounced restlessly around Lane’s shoulders.
    “Can we just get inside?” He pleaded. Lane nodded and released Aiden.
    As soon as they passed through the door, Aiden relaxed. It was like someone had flipped a switch on the back of his head. He smiled at Lane and followed him to his desk. When Lane asked him what had happened, Aiden shrugged and said it was nothing. Lane decided to let it go until after work.
    Introducing Aiden to Chief was only mildly humiliating. Chief kept winking at Lane and dropped a few less than clever innuendos that Aiden was oblivious to. Aiden was back to his mildly aloof yet relaxed demeanor until Clark showed up. Lane almost expected them to start circling each other after the way they glared and eyed each other up. Chief was thoroughly confused as he stood next to Lane and watched Clark with Aiden on the other side of the glass in the briefing room. It looked like a two-way hostile interrogation.
    “Did I miss something?” Chief asked. Lane sucked his lips in and shook his head quickly. Chief looked at him out of the corner of his eye. “Are you sure? Friday evening, Cabbot was about to piss himself, he was so excited about this guy getting here. Now, he looks like he wants to put his fist down his throat. And the feeling is mutual, as far as I can tell.” He looked at Lane expectantly.
    “It does look like that.” Lane kept his eyes on the briefing room, avoiding Chief’s.
    “You were with Sharp from the moment he got off the plane. You must have seen something.” He accused. Lane shrugged.
    “They met briefly Sunday morning.” He admitted. Chief crossed his arms over his chest.
    “And?” It was loaded with a threat. Lane cringed.
    “They didn’t hit it off.” Lane offered. Chief snorted.
    “No shit, Sherlock! I can see that. What happened?” He asked loudly. Lane cringed as he looked around.
    “You know how Cabbot is. He doesn’t like anyone that’s smarter than him.” Lane suggested and Chief shook his head.
    “Come on, that’s the point of an expert witness. That can’t be it.” Chief argued.
    “Aiden isn’t exactly what he was expecting, I think.” Lane said as he watched Clark slam a piece of paper on the table and slide it toward Aiden. Chief grimaced.
    “No, Aiden definitely isn’t what you’d expect.” Chief said as he nudged Lane with his elbow. Lane rolled his eyes.
    “He tells everyone to call him Aiden. He doesn’t like being called Dr. Sharp. Cabbot keeps doing it and it’s winding Aiden up.” Lane pressed his hand to the glass and leaned. If Clark didn’t back off, Lane

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