Hide And Keep

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Book: Hide And Keep by K. Sterling Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. Sterling
become that bored but you’d probably cut your dick off first.” He said and Lane rubbed his hand across his lips and forbid himself to laugh.
    “I’ll tell him to back off. This has nothing to do with you and he needs to focus on the trial.” Lane was caught off guard when Aiden finally looked up. His eyes were narrowed and hard when they met his.
    “I don’t need you to protect me from him, Lane. I can handle Cabbot.” Aiden sat back and stared out the window. “I’m not scared of him.” His voice faded as he clicked the cap of the Sharpie absently. Lane sat on the edge of the desk.
    “Hey.” He waited until Aiden shook his head faintly and looked up at him. “I know you don’t need my protection but this isn’t your fight. Clark’s lashing out because he’s not in control and you’re bearing the brunt of it. I’m not going to let that happen.” He promised. Aiden shook his head as he got up.
    “If you say something now, it’ll just make him act like a bigger bitch. Wait until I’m gone.” Aiden pulled everything into a pile and came around the desk, stopping next to Lane. He leaned close. “And I do need your protection, just not from Cabbot.” He murmured as his head lowered and his lips hovered next to Lane’s ear. “And we need protection. Do we have to stay all day? Tell Chief that Cabbot's crazy witness can’t handle being here anymore and you have to do what he says. Let’s stop at a drugstore and McDonald’s on the way back to your place.” His hand brushed against Lane’s thigh discreetly, causing heat to pool in Lane’s groin. Lane shook his head and grinned.
    “You’re out of your mind if you think I’m taking you to McDonald’s.” Lane said as he hopped off the desk.

Chapter 8
    Chief didn’t buy Lane’s excuse but he played along. Aiden was a mess when they left the station and in the Walgreen’s parking lot and stuck to Lane as he moved through the store. Lane was reaching for a box of Durex when Aiden’s hand shot past his.
    “These.” He said as he grabbed a box of Skyn condoms. Lane’s brows shot up as he looked at the box.
    “Twenty-four? That’s optimistic.” He murmured as he read the box. Aiden grabbed a bottle of lubricant and nudged Lane out of the aisle.
    “Better to have and not want.” He said. “Can we hurry, please?” Aiden asked as he watched the door. Lane shrugged as he handed the items to the cashier, a bored twenty-something punk waif with large gauges in her ears. She gave Lane a very knowing look and he stared back. She smiled as she scanned the lubricant.
    “That’s so hot.” She said as she chewed her gum loudly. Lane saw her eyes drop to the badge clipped to his belt. “Seriously hot, dude.” She winked as she dropped the condoms in a bag. Aiden tossed a pack of Twizzlers on the counter.
    “And these.” He said as he smiled at the cashier.
    “Wow.” She gasped as her eyes drifted back and forth between Aiden and Lane. Lane shook his head as he slid his card in the reader. He took the receipt and pushed Aiden toward the door as the cashier leaned on the counter. “Have a nice day!” She called after them.
    Lane waved over his shoulder and jogged after Aiden. As soon as they were safely on the road, Aiden relaxed and opened his Twizzlers. He offered one but Lane shook his head. Aiden stuffed it in his mouth and sighed happily as he chewed. Once again, Lane was struck by how boyish Aiden could be. It was such a contrast to the paranoid, restless Aiden from the run and parking lots and the sensual, teasing Aiden from the living room window and Lane’s desk.
    “What’s up with you panicking when we’re outside?” Lane asked carefully as he set his hand on Aiden’s thigh. He felt Aiden tense and glanced at him quickly. Aiden turned toward the window and shook his head.
    “It’s nothing.” He insisted and Lane clenched his jaw as he tried to decide if he should push the matter. His instincts told him he should but

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