Meows, Magic & Murder

Free Meows, Magic & Murder by Madison Johns

Book: Meows, Magic & Murder by Madison Johns Read Free Book Online
Authors: Madison Johns
like the woman has a heart attack.” She then grinned. “So, how was your date with your handsome neighbor?”
    “It wasn’t a date, but I have to admit that I really had a great time getting to know him. I think he might even prove to be handy in case I get arrested.”
    “Arrested for what? Trying out an herbal remedy on Lucy?”
    “No, I meant for murder since the sheriff thinks I’m a suspect in Helen’s death, and, of course, Jeremy’s disappearance.”
    Aunt Maxine waved her hand. “Nonsense. That sheriff Pinkerton is just a bag of wind, always has been. And Jeremy hasn’t really disappeared, he’s in plain sight,” she chuckled. “Although, you might not want to tell the sheriff or anyone else that you turned Jeremy into a cat. Someone might just think you’re off your rocker.”
    Petunia frowned. “We bumped into Olivia and Henry at Mario’s.”
    “That’s to be expected. I had thought that you had gotten him out of your system by now. Honey, he’s lost to you.”
    “Oh, I know, but it nauseates me every time I see them together, and I looked like a complete fool in front of them, too.”
    “How so?”
    “Because Noah never made a reservation. He didn’t know, but anyway the busboy gave me that table by the bathrooms again. I’m afraid Olivia saw me there and you know how that woman is, she just can’t shut up her yap.” Petunia rubbed her brow. “I’m afraid I did something dreadful, or at least I think I did.”
    Aunt Maxine leaned forward, giving Petunia her full attention now. “Do tell?”
    “Well, I can’t remember what she said, but I was so angry and I was thinking about how much I wanted to trip her up, and the next thing I knew, she tripped and fell on her face. I think there was a wrinkle in the carpet.”
    Aunt Maxine clapped in excitement. “Or you’re coming into you own.”
    “I’m not a witch, Auntie, but Olivia sure called me one. And you, too. Right there in Mario’s.” She covered her face with her hands. “I have never felt so mortified before. When Olivia tripped, I firmly believe it was karma. I couldn’t stop myself from laughing. Do you think that makes me a bad person?”
    “Not at all. That woman needs to learn to leave you alone. She might, now that she thinks you have real powers. And I wonder if you might just have abilities that you’re not even aware of.”
    “But ... I’m not a witch, and neither are you.”
    “No, but you did make a salve that actually works, a little too well, possibly. But this might just be a good turn of events. The way I look at it, we’ve been using recipes for potions from Anastasia’s book, and she really was a witch.”
    “I don’t want to be a witch, though. If I were, I wouldn’t be a very good one, anyway, since I made hair tonic that makes a man totally bald. And don’t forget I turned a man into a cat from a love potion. If only I’d known then what I know now. Jeremy as a cat has really shown his true colors. He would be the worst boyfriend ever.”
    “I’d have to agree with you there, but perhaps when you’re ready, you might just try and change him back to human form. That way you’d be off the hook for his disappearance, at least.”
    “True, but I’m just not sure I’m ready to botch up another potion. Who knows what else might happen?”
    Aunt Maxine yawned, stretching her arms toward the ceiling. “I think I’ll stay here tonight, Petunia. I’m too bushed to drive home. Plus, with the curse and all, I don’t want to take my chances.”
    Petunia led the way up the stairs. “I didn’t think you believed in the curse?”
    “It’s not that I don’t believe in it as much as I’m too old to worry about it too much. I figure I’m plenty old enough to meet my maker.”
    Aunt Maxine made way into a bedroom and Petunia said, “Just be careful, Auntie. I’d truly be lost without you. I’m not ready to be alone.”
    “If you play your cards right, you might never have to worry about it.

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