Sunshine's Savior [Brac Pack 3]

Free Sunshine's Savior [Brac Pack 3] by Lynn Hagen

Book: Sunshine's Savior [Brac Pack 3] by Lynn Hagen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynn Hagen
his right hand down and shoved something hard
    Lynn Hagen
    into Blair’s ass as he sank his teeth into Blair’s shoulder. Dakota slammed the hard object in and out of his ass as he sucked at the broken skin. Blair’s shouts bounced off the walls and rang with lust, pain and pleasure seizing his body in a tight hold.
    “Do you want to come?” Dakota pulled off of the flesh he had been feasting on.
    “Please,” Blair begged in a whispered croak.
    Dakota pulled the object from his ass, tossing it aside. Blair looked over to see a dildo. Dakota climbed to the end of the bed and sank his cock in, placing his hands on the back of Blair’s thighs.
    Dakota pounded into him at full throttle. Just when Blair thought he would lose his mind from the all consuming lust, Dakota untied the string. “Come.”
    Blair erupted in a wail of screams, his hips slamming down on Dakota’s cock.
    Blair was in a daze. He shuddered as the last of his seed shot into out. Dakota reached up and released the bondage. His wolf fell to his side in exhaustion. Blair was too sore to move.
    Sunshine’s Savior

Chapter Eight
    Blair walked into the kitchen to see Cecil standing by the fridge.
    He grabbed the juice and walked to the cupboard. Blair watched as Cecil walked strangely to the table. He smiled
    “I see your mate punished you, too.”
    “It was so worth it.” Cecil chuckled. “When do we go back out?”

    “I need you to promise me that you won’t go anywhere without a wolf escort.” Kota pulled Blair in his arms, kissing him on his neck and nipping his skin.
    “I promise. You be careful. My dad is a one of a kind asshole.
    Don’t expect him to just hand Oliver over to you. Do you have his picture I gave you?”
    “Yes.” Kota kissed the tip of his nose before he pulled away. He reached into his leather and pulled out the small school photo Blair had provided. Kota felt a protectiveness grip him at the sight of the youthful smile in the picture. The boy had trust in his eyes and a charming little grin on his face. To think his father may be molesting him enraged Kota.
    “I can handle anything your father tries. Behave. Love you.” Kota left to retrieve a hurting young boy.

    Blair and Cecil asked Evan to take them to the coffeehouse. Blair
    Lynn Hagen
    needed to get his mind off of Dakota’s absence and seeing his brother again. They had tried to talk Johnny into coming with them, but the little guy hadn’t left his room since he got home from the hospital. To top it all off, Remi was MIA.
    “I’m not going to have to keep both eyes on you two, am I?” Evan pulled the Navigator into the parking space in front of the café. Blair noticed Evan scanning their surroundings before even allowing the two to leave the interior of the vehicle. When he deemed it safe, Evan hit the unlock button.
    “We promise to behave.” Blair crossed his heart and held up a scout’s honor hand. He didn’t want to piss off this massive wolf. The guy looked like he breathed pain. Evan was six five with a chip on his shoulder.
    No, thanks.
    As Evan escorted them in, Blair remembered his wallet in the backseat. He promised Evan that he would run straight to the truck and right back inside. With hesitation in his eyes, Evan nodded.
    Just as Blair was closing the back door and turning to run into the café, the Jamaican appeared at the back of the Navigator.
    “So, rent boy, how about coming to work for me? Name’s
    Jackson. I’m the Alpha of the Eastern Pack.” He gave Blair an evil smile. Blair’s skin crawled at the thought of going anywhere near the scumbag.
    “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Blair was backing away as Jackson stepped closer.
    “I can spot a whore a mile away. I pay very well. Come on, you’re a pro. I won’t have to teach you anything.” Jackson reached out for Blair just as Evan came around the other side of the truck.
    Cecil wrapped his arm around Blair’s waist as he pulled him

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