
Free Freeing by E.K. Blair

Book: Freeing by E.K. Blair Read Free Book Online
Authors: E.K. Blair
love to, but I’m working late tonight. How about tomorrow afternoon? We can do a cookout at our house.”
    “That sounds great. I really fucked up with him, and I want to make it right. Plus, I want you guys to meet him.”
    She leans down on her elbows and looks up at me. “Of course, Jase.”
    “Great, I’ll call him and let him know,” I say, and then quickly kiss her forehead. I catch her smile as I turn to leave.
    Walking back out to my car, I call Mark.
    “Hey, Jase. What’s up?”
    “Not much. Do you wanna get together at Candace’s place tomorrow afternoon?”
    “Um, yeah. That works for me.”
    “Great. I think we will just hang out back and cook out since the weather is supposed to be decent for a change.”
    “That sounds good. Are you doing anything tonight?”
    “Nothing set in stone. Why?”
    “I’m heading out to go for a run, but I was just gonna chill and watch the football game later if you wanted to come over.”
    “Oh, umm . . .” is all I can say. No way in hell do I wanna run into Kyle, not after that crap I pulled. But Mark interrupts my thoughts and says, “Kyle doesn’t live here anymore.”
    “God, I feel like a dick,” I say as the guilt returns.
    “Don’t. We never got along that well anyway.” He tries brushing it off, as if it isn’t the big deal that it actually is.
    “Still, I feel like shit about everything.”
    “Are you coming over or what?” he interjects, and I can’t help but laugh.
    “Yeah. Just text me after your run.”
    “Okay, I’ll talk to you later.

    When I got to Mark’s house later that day, we spent the evening drinking beer and watching the game. It was nice to spend that time with him, just taking it easy. We didn’t do anything more than just hold hands and be close to one another. The more time I spend with him, the more I find myself falling for him.
    Now here we are, driving together to Candace’s house. It’s important to me that he likes her because she’s such a big part of my life. But at the same time, I really hope she likes him because her opinion is important to me.
    When I park the car, I look over at Mark, and he gives me a smile before he steps out. I take his hand and hold it as we walk up to the house. Opening the front door, I call out, “We’re here.”
    As I start leading Mark through the living room, Candace walks in from the kitchen and gives me a warm hug.
    When I back away, I introduce the two of them. “Mark, this is Candace.”
    She smiles big when she turns to Mark. “Hey! It’s great to meet you. Come on in. We’re in the kitchen getting the food ready.”
    Walking into the kitchen, Kimber is chowing down on a mouthful of chips when she says, “Hey, Jase.”
    Shaking my head, I look at Mark then back at Kimber. “And this crazy girl is Kimber.”
    “Nice to meet you guys,” Mark says with a grin.
    The girls move around the kitchen and Kimber asks if one of us will start the grill for her.
    “Yeah, I can do that,” Mark replies, and Kimber leads him out back as I stay inside with Candace, helping her get all the food to carry out.
    “This is a nice place you have,” I hear Mark say to the girls as we walk outside.
    Kimber flops down in a chair. “I suppose,” she says with a sigh.
    “Please, just ignore her dramatics,” Candace tells Mark as Kimber just laughs. I know she loves trying to get reactions from people, and she is constantly cracking me up. If there is one thing about Kimber, she doesn’t give a shit what people think about her. I love her freedom. I’m jealous of it in a way.
    “Hey, Jase, will you run inside and grab the case of beer that’s in the fridge and bring it out? There’s a cooler next to the door that already has ice in it,” Candace says.
    “Sure.” I go into the kitchen to get the beers and when I walk back outside, Candace and Mark are chatting about school.
    “What are you studying?” I hear her ask him.
    Mark takes a swig of his beer

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