Official Girl

Free Official Girl by Charmanie Saquea

Book: Official Girl by Charmanie Saquea Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charmanie Saquea
a whiff of a fragrance that she didn’t recognized. She knew he was with another woman but she was too sleepy to fight with him about it.
    His triflin g ass could have at least took a shower and washed the traces of the bitch off him, She thought before she went back to sleep.
    The next morning, Mykell woke up around 2:00 and Neicey wasn’t in bed. He didn’t smell any food and that was unusual. Neicey cooked breakfast every morning. He went to MJ’s room and he wasn’t in there. He showered and watched TV in the living room until he heard the front door closing about an hour later. MJ ran through the house with bags full of clothes and shoes in his hand. He knew that she was out using his black card.
    “Mykell Jr. what I tell you about running in the house!” Neicey yelled.
    Then, s he walked into the living room on the phone, telling somebody that she would meet them in 20 minutes. She walked right past Mykell like he wasn’t there. He had to admit that she was looking real delicious in her off the shoulder half shirt, short khaki shorts, her concords and a cute messy bun on the top of her head.
    Reneice came back into the living room and headed straight for the front door.
    “Yea I’m on my way out the door now, alright, bye.”
    She was still acting like she didn’t see Mykell and it was pissing him off.
    “Well hello to you too and where the fuck you going?” He asked.
    She looked at him, rolled her eyes and put on her Chanel sunglasses before she walked out the door. Mykell sat there dumbfounded, he didn’t knew what her problem was.
    MJ came back down the stairs ready to play his video games.
    “You hungry lil man?” Mykell asked.
    “Nope, mommy took me out to eat already.” MJ replied , without ever looking up.
    Mykell walked into the kitchen shaking his head.
    How the fuck did we go from the perfect lil family to this shit , he thought as he fixed himself something to eat.
    Then, h e went back into the living room and sat with his son.
    “I’m going to be a big brother,” MJ said out of nowhere damn near making Mykell choke.
    “What you talkin’ bout lil man?”
    “I heard mommy on the phone with somebody saying she was pregnant, she said she just found out yesterday. So I’ma be a brother.” He smiled happily not knowing that he just started an uproar.
    Leave it up to kids to tell everything.
    Reneice was laying on Kamil’s couch venting. She decided that she was going to stay there until it was time for her to go to work, she didn’t want to be around Mykell after the shit he pulled the previous night. She even turned her phone off.
    “Yes, Mil Mil. He climbed his sorry ass in the bed with me and didn’t even have the decency to wash the bitch off him.” Kamil sat quiet listening to her vent. He knew Mykell would fuck up eventually.
    “ So what did you do?” He asked anxious to hear how she handled the situation.
    “I went and swiped that nigga black card at any and every store I could think of, that’s what I did. I was too sleepy to confront him last night so I did some revenge shopping.” She chuckled.
    Kamil just shook his head. “You are a hot mess girl.”
    “I know. He knows I like to spend his money when I mad at him.” She laughed.
    When she ran her fingers through her hair, he noticed she didn’t have her ring on. “So where’s your ring?”
    “In the drawer, I refuse to wear it if our so called relationship is going to be like this and if he wants to cheat. I don’t even know if I want to be with him anymore, I mean don’t get me wrong, I love him to death but I’m not going to keep somebody who doesn’t want to be kept. I don’t mind co-parenting.”
    Mykell had been trying to call Reneice for an hour straight and every time he got her voicemail. He was fuming. He had no idea where she was, he wanted to know if what MJ said was true. He knew his son had no reason to lie, but he wanted to hear it from Neicey’s mouth. He was happy that she was pregnant,

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