FALL (The Senses)

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Book: FALL (The Senses) by Cindy Paterson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cindy Paterson
he nuzzled the soft flesh behind her ear.
“If you’re leaving me, let me go,” she said. “Let me touch you.”
wanted to say never. It was on the tip of his tongue to admit that he’d never
let her go, but he had to. She was his liability, something he had to purge
with this one night or his Scar could use her against him. Yes, he had to purge
her from his heart. They weren’t meant to be any longer.
he said, “I will let you go, Delara.” And with that, he released her wrists and
felt her hands scorch his skin as she put them under his shirt, lifting one
barrier between them. He pulled her shirt from her body and followed suit with
her bra.
    As soon
as their naked chests met, it was a high, an addiction being sated. He had no
fear when she touched his skin, unlike when Zurina healed him. With Delara
there was no reminder of his past, just this moment with this woman he had
loved with the heart he no longer had.
groaned feeling her erect nipples against his chest. She raised her arm,
bringing it around his neck and pulling his mouth down onto hers once more.
Sinking. Drowning in her desire, Waleron drank her passion as if it was the
last drink he’d ever have.
me,” Delara said. “I want your hands on me.”
closed his eyes, using his senses as his hands stroked her breasts, cupping the
small globes he’d fantasized about holding in his palms, while he tugged on the
raised nipples with his thumbs and forefingers. She arched her back and goosebumps
sprinkled her flesh.
    He moved
down her body, needing to taste what he felt with his hands. His tongue swept across
her neck, down her chest, and finally hovered above her right breast. He
stared. Waiting for mere seconds—though it felt like hours—needing this time
for her to grasp the urgency within him. Her hands gripped his shoulders,
pulling him towards her, but he resisted.
she cried, eyes spangled with passion.
    That was
all it took as a deep groan emerged from the back of his throat and he took her
erect nipple into his mouth. There was no softness about it as his teeth
nipped, teased, and suckled what he’d been denied for so long. Every inch of
his body was in flames, coldness dissipating from his veins, her passion
burning him, feeding him.
    His lips
traveled across her stomach, hands on her hips to keep her still as he explored
every crevice of her body with his mouth, tasting the sweetness and smelling
her delicious scent that made his erection pulsate. When he reached the denim
barrier of her jeans, he used one hand to undo her button flies while the other
continued to roam over the hot, silky skin of her abdomen. He yanked the
material down her legs, off one foot then the other, and threw them across the
room. He hesitated again, mesmerized by what lay beneath him, what was his for
this one night. His fingers caressed her luscious toes, one foot then the other,
until she sat up and drew him back down to veil her body with his own.
stared. It was all he could do as breath escaped him. This was the woman who
made every promise he made to himself fly away as though a leaf breaking free
from its stem and dancing in the wind. She waited, almost like she knew what
this was doing to him.
finger hooked the silk black material of her panties and he heard her sharp
intake of breath. She placed her hands on his belt, released the leather from
its loop, and then undid the buckle. He swore he was going to come right then
and there as her knuckles nudged his erection. He grit his teeth and met her
teeth tugged at her lower lip and she gave him a heart-wrenching smile, eyes
lighting up like a rainbow of brilliance. He raised his hand and ran a finger
down her cheek and across her upturned lips. So simple, to smile, and yet he
couldn’t match it. It was too difficult when he knew the outcome of this night.
    But he
did etch hers in his mind like a stone engraving, so he could picture her

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