Soul Of A Woman (The Dark Souls)

Free Soul Of A Woman (The Dark Souls) by Jamie Begley

Book: Soul Of A Woman (The Dark Souls) by Jamie Begley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jamie Begley
    A flash of anger crossed her face before her lashes lowered , concealing her emotions. Putting out a firm hand, she pushed him farther backward onto the bed. As he tried to regain his balance, Broni got on her knees on the bed, and before he could regain control, she slid his cock into her wet mouth.
    All reasoning left Rhys’s mind. His cock, already hard from thoughts of her mouth, swelled even further, stretching her red lips tighter around him. As she suckled him, drawing him to the back of her throat, his hips lifted, a groan forcing itself from between clenched teeth.
    Rhys had been sucked-off many times before, but damn, she made him grit his teeth to keep from coming within seconds, making a further ass of himself.
    Broni licked and nibbled his cock as if it was her favorite treat. Her hand kneaded his balls as her throat muscles pulled on the crest of his cock.
    Rhys couldn’t prevent himself from coming in her mouth , and she swallowed him until she felt him stop twitching, allowing him to slide reluctantly out of her mouth.
    Rhys lay stunned on the bed , unable to move as thoughts of betraying Deena began flashing through his mind. His eyes closed, trying to shut the painful memories away. The regrets and feelings of betraying Deena never failed to attack him after his hunger had been satisfied. With women like Layla and the other club whores, he felt less guilty because he was just one of many. With Broni, she was making it all about him, and he couldn’t handle that from another woman.
    “Oh , no, you don’t.” Broni leaned down and snagged one of his nipples into her mouth, giving a tiny nip.
    The small pain brought his mind back as he watched her straddle his hips , his still hard cock positioned over her wet cunt. Rhys could see the moisture clinging to her bald pussy. Without another word, she slid herself down his length. Rhys watched as the lips of her pussy were stretched around his massive length, sensations flooding his mind.
    Her sheath was tight and hot when he’d easily slid deep inside of her. When she had his full length inside, Broni used her knees on the mattress to brace herself as she moved on him. Her breasts bounced before Rhys, tempting him. He raised himself on his elbows, leaning forward to take her nipple into his mouth. Laving it with his tongue, he brought his hands to her hips, forcing her down harder on his cock. He had been determined to take her, instead it was Rhys who felt like he was being taken.
    Broni lean ed forward, giving him more of her breast as her hips rocked up and down his cock.
    “You like it hard , don’t you? I like it, too.” Taking her cue, Rhys bit down on the nipple in his mouth, and he felt her cunt clench tighter around him. Letting her nipple go, he then turned to the other one, giving it a similar bite.
    Her moans filled the small room as they fucked each other into a climax. As Broni arched and slammed herself down on his cock, his hands clenched on her hips, holding her still as he tried to thrust more of his cock inside of her. Broni ground herself down on him as Rhys reached down, touching where their bodies met.
    “You’re so fucking tight . I can’t even get all my dick in you,” he groaned.
    She grinned down impishly at him. “I don’t have a lot of experience.”
    “You could have fooled me.” Rhys had been startled by how easily she had accepted him buying her and expecting to have the right to fuck her.
    When s he then leaned forward resting her head on his shoulder, Rhys felt her lips on his throat before they slid down and pain shot through his shoulder. Rhys’s hips lifted and she shifted on him, still riding his semi-hardness. Her eyes had darkened and remained full of desire. She licked the small bite she’d given him before moving once again to his nipple. Rhys stiffened, waiting for the sting of pain he was sure was next, and a small smile covered her generous lips.
    She raised herself off his cock , caressing his

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