My Christmas Stalker
around her, bringing her to stand in front of him, were she was protected from sharp elbows and kicks in the shin.
         Whitley felt her cheeks heat up, but soon she relaxed into his embrace and he set his head on hers as they waited. Her arms laid over the top of his as they stood together waiting for their table.
         There was something about David Ballantine that just made her insides warm and peaceful. Other guys had put their arms around her before, but none had made her feel protected and cared for the way he did. Not even Shawn Paterson! She fit perfectly in his arms, like they were made to stand together just like they were.
         They finally made their way to a table. They ordered the hot chicken sandwich with lettuce, tomato and the Bistro’s special sauce, along with a large order of onion rings to share, and two large lemon waters. The waited for their food to come.
         David sipped his water and collected his thoughts.
         “So…which ward do you attend? Do you go to a single’s ward? Or a family ward?” he asked. Whitley’s head shot up. Her eyes narrowed suspiciously.
         “How do you know…I mean, what do you know about where I go to church?” Her voice lashed out at him. David snapped his head back as if she had reached out to hit him.
          “Hey now!” He reached out and grabbed her hand. She tried to pull it a way. “Calm down! Look! On your hand! You’re wearing a CTR ring!” He waved the fingers on his right hand. There on his hand was a gold CTR ring. She stopped moving and grimaced with an apologetic attempt at a smile. She glanced at his ring again. It looked like real gold.
         “I’m sorry.” She covered her face in her hands. “I am a paranoid nut case.” she said in a muffled voice. He grasped her hands and moved them from her face as if she were playing peek-a-boo. His face was near hers.
         “You don’t have to apologize! New York can be a dangerous place. I understand.” One of his hands released her arm and gripped her chin so she would look at him. “Why do you think I wanted to walk with you?  Other than to spend more time with you, that is.” His hand felt cool on her heated face.
         “Still. I’m sorry.”
         “That’s all right, Whitley.” He slid his other hand down her arm and intertwined his fingers with hers and brought her hand to the table. He didn’t release her hand. His other hand left her cheek and tucked under the arm that held her hand.
          “So, you are LDS?” she asked with a light in her eyes.
          “Yes.” He smiled at her.
           “Where did you serve your mission?” She toyed with the crumpled straw paper with her free hand.
          “I didn’t.” Her face was like an open book and he saw her disappointment in his comment.
           “I joined the church a year ago, so I am a little too old to go.” Her eyes popped up to search his face.
         “A convert.” She smiled. “Did your parents join, too?”
          “Dad passed away right before I joined and my mother thinks it is a passing phase. It’s a mystery to her why I would join a church that forbids me from drinking and …um…being with the girls she keeps pushing at me.” He glanced down as he saw Whitley’s eyebrows arch upward.
         “Well, at twenty nine, I am sure your life had a lot of changing to do. Especially a guy as gorgeous as you and…and so well…put together.” Her face turned as red as the table cloth on the table. He chuckled at her embarrassment.
        “You find me attractive, do you?” He wiggled his eyebrows up and down and grinned from ear to ear. She glanced at him and her smile peeked out.
         “As if you don’t know it!” She held her hands over her face, trying to cool off her cheeks. “Well, I have put my foot too far in my mouth now. I won’t have room left for my food.”  When she laid her hand back down on the

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