All You Wanted to Know About Sex

Free All You Wanted to Know About Sex by Hari Datt Sharma

Book: All You Wanted to Know About Sex by Hari Datt Sharma Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hari Datt Sharma
strong desire for sexual satisfaction has been aroused, even minor stimuli certainly suffice to cause ejaculation and a relative culmination of pleasure or atleast relief is attained. The acutest stimuli are afforded by the reciprocal pressure and friction of the penis and the vulva and vagina. But the active agent is genital and coital friction of the man. The movements of the woman are as a rule when the partners are well adapted to one another. The woman may often share the specific coital movements, by bringing her pelvis forward at the right moment and then swinging it back, thus increasing both rhythm and friction.
    The Role of Love in Coitus
    Physical response is indispensable to sexual connection. Without it the man does not even get an erection. But a perfectly performed coitus demands from both partners a psycho-erotic approach which is only possible with true love. Only where love is, can the sexual pleasure be at its height, the orgasm ecstatic, the relief complete, and the drowsy and dreamy relaxation which follows a perfect peace.
    The woman can begin the intercourse without special preparation but not the man. There are some changes that take place in the female genital organ during Coitus.
    The flow of blood increases to the entire genital tissues. There is swelling and expansion of the bulbi the erection of the clitoris, the secretion of the vestibulary glands, the opening of the vulva, the contraction of the vaginal walls and the whole musculature of the pelvic floor. The mucus secretion flows into the vulva in preparing the vagina to receive the penis without pain.
    Oral Sex
    Using of mouth and tongue to kiss, lick or suck partner’s genitals is called oral sex. Both men and women can become sexually aroused and have orgasm in this way. The various types of oral sex include kissing, sucking, biting, licking, exploring the partner’s genital organs and erogenous zones with the tongue. A few even swallow the partner’s sexual secretion.
    When a man has his penis kissed, licked or sucked by a woman or someone is called fellatio . In Hindu manuals, it is called “playing the flute”.
    When a man kisses, licks or sucks a woman’s genitals it is known as cunnilingus .
    When both partners want to lick each other at the same time, they often adopt a position where each is coiled head to tail hence the term Soixante neul —a French term for 69 position. In this position cunnilingus and fellatio is performed simultaneously. It is also called leep-de-leep .
    Frigidity means sexual unresponsiveness particularly in women. In medical parlance it is also known as orgastic incompetence.
    In fact, this malady varies in three stages:
(a) A woman enjoys coitus but does not reach her orgasm.
(b) The woman of this category may be indifferent to sexual intercourse and she may indulge in as a part of her duty. She has no dislike for it either, but she does not enjoy it.
(c) The woman may have positive dislike for sexual intercourse and her body may “freeze” at the possibility of having it.
    There are many causes for this disorder, some are psychic and some physical. Male ignorance about the subtle art of foreplay often makes a woman frigid. If the frigidity has been caused by some physical deficiency, the medical treatment is the only answer. But if the cause lies in the mind or is psychic, it is to be treated by a psychiatrist.
    When the muscles in woman’s vagina tighten up during sexual intercourse, making it difficult for the man’s penis to get into the vagina is called vaginimus. It is quite rare. A woman who has this problem should see her doctor.
    Precautions to be taken During the First Night
    In India, marriage is regarded as sacrosanct. It is performed with ceremony and religious rites. It is regarded as a lifelong relation and not merely a contract as is done in the west. The first-night sexual relations are named as Suhag Raat . This is first meeting of the married

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