Love From A Star: A BWWM Alien Romance

Free Love From A Star: A BWWM Alien Romance by BWWM Club, Shifter Club, R S Holloway

Book: Love From A Star: A BWWM Alien Romance by BWWM Club, Shifter Club, R S Holloway Read Free Book Online
Authors: BWWM Club, Shifter Club, R S Holloway
left the
man’s mouth. “Antash risked his life trying to get back
here to warn us. He could have been dead. Not only that, but he is
one of our best fighters. I am sure if you remember, he was
instrumental in our defeat of the Brocoy when he was just a young
remember Sir, but if it were me...”
isn’t you, and I know he would want to be here. His sister is
here. How do you think he would feel if anything happened to her and
he wasn’t here to protect her?”
Sir,” the commander responded as he hung his head.
would serve you better to get two gliders ready and prepare to head
to Earth for a rescue. He needs to be back here by morning. Tell the
others to make everything ready and be prepared for an attack,”
Mekhi said and turned his back on the commander.
you think he may have been right?” Bolivar asked when they were
about what?” Mekhi asked.
Antash on Earth for the time being. Maybe it would be better if we
sent his sister there for safety.”
is she worth more than any other here on Solaris? I am trying to
protect everyone, not just Santina. Antash wants to be here, and so
he shall. I only hope nothing happens tonight.”
and me both,” Bolivar said as he walked out of the room.
stood with his hands clasped behind his back, staring out into space.
The night was young, and anything was possible. The last time the
Brocoy came to Solaris it was in the dead of night, and a lot of
lives were lost because of it and not being prepared. This time they
would not make the same mistake, and whether Antash had returned to
Solaris with the message or not, his disappearance had been warning
enough. They would not take it lightly, but Mekhi was not sure how
ready they were to die again.
are you thinking about?” Antash asked as he noticed how pensive
Jalicia had gotten in the last ten minutes.
she said as she curled her hand in his.
seemed rather intense,” he said and kissed the top of her head.
haven’t slept out here since I was a child. I had always wanted
to go camping, but my mother was insecure about packing me off with
strangers to go into some mountains she didn’t know about, so
every year we struck a compromise; we would pretend and camp out in
the barn,”
that’s a nice idea,” he said.
but my dad didn’t like it. He didn’t do it with us and it
always irritated him that mom wouldn’t go into the kitchen. She
kept telling him she wasn’t there and he had to do it for
himself,” she laughed. “He got so mad one of the times he
came down here and took away our camping stuff.”
stroked her hair as she grew silent. “You miss her, don’t
you?” he asked.
do,” she told him. “She was so much to me, and after she
died I took some time finding myself again. It is funny that I left
home four years earlier to go to medical school, and it didn’t
seem weird at all not seeing them all the time. I guess I needed to
find my wings. You just don’t realize until it is too late how
different it is when you know the choice of seeing her or not is
taken from you.”
sorry,” he told her. “She sounds like she was a great
person. She must have been like you, and that cannot be a bad thing.”
looked up at him and smiled. “She was, thanks.”
didn’t know my mother much. She was never there and my father
was non-existent, so I was the father figure to Santina. That’s
why I worry about her so much.”
here I thought that was a behavior only specific to humans,”
Jalicia said. “I love my dad, and he needs me, but he acts as
if he doesn’t. He keeps forcing me to go back to Washington and
be a doctor, but I am afraid of returning and then something happens
to him and I am not here. Who will run the farm?”
I be honest with you?” he asked. She nodded and stared into his

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