The Tycoon's Perfect Match

Free The Tycoon's Perfect Match by Christine Wenger

Book: The Tycoon's Perfect Match by Christine Wenger Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christine Wenger
on his races and was spending more time at the garage developing faster race cars. Ed was retired, but at the garage more than ever. And Brian had no problem leaving his real-estate office in the hands of his agents and Mrs. Newley.
    Maybe he could keep the books long-distance. Or hire a full-time office manager who would at least enter things on the computer. He could keep up with the other stuff he did for the garage in his spare time.
    Deep down, Brian was afraid that if he didn’t leave Hawk’s Lake now he never would. So, what was he waiting for?
    As one professional to another, maybe he should ask Mari to help him.
    Though his credentials weren’t quite as broad as they probably ought to be, he still figured he had a really good shot at getting the CEO job when—if—Mari decided for sure that she didn’t want to take it. Plus, her parents already knew him and had always liked him, and so did Mari for that matter. With a recommendation from her, he’d be a strong candidate.
    He was just about to ask Mari, but she was looking off in the distance, as if she were a million miles away.
    He took a sip of coffee. “Would you like to row out on the lake with me and look at the stars?” He laughed. “Sorry, that sounds like a bad pick-up line.”
    She looked at him in surprise. “I—I don’t think—”
    â€œCome on, Mari. Get the most out of your Hawk’s Lake experience.”
    â€œOkay. I’d like that.”
    â€œGreat.” He downed most of his coffee, helped himself to a cookie and waved goodbye. “I’ve got to hit the road. Busy day today.”
    â€œOh. Your jacket.” Hurrying into the cottage, she retrieved it and handed it to him. She gave him a slight smile, but her shoulders slumped as if she’d gone back to carrying a heavy weight on them.
    Damn. He thought he might have helped her by letting her talk things out and by answering her questions. Instead, he’d made things worse.
    â€œI’ll see you in a couple of days,” he said. Then he added, “And if you need to talk some more, I’ll listen.”
    She looked at him. “Really?”
    â€œOf course,” Brian answered, holding her gaze. “That’s what friends are for.”
    Brian had spent the last forty-eight hours looking forward to seeing Mari again. And every second of the wait had been worth it. Hawk’s Lake glimmered in the moonlight as the crickets chirped around them. The stars shone brilliantly in the dark sky, and Mari seemed relaxed and happy.
    â€œBri, I want to row. Change places with me,” she said.
    They stood and the rowboat rocked precariously. He reached out to steady her, his hands on her waist. She slammed into him and clamped on to his T-shirt with her hands.
    Their gazes held for a while, and Brian was just about to bend his head and taste her lips when Mari cleared her throat.
    â€œI shouldn’t have stood up that fast,” she said, her voice a little husky.
    He couldn’t think of a clever reply—he was still concentrating on her lips.
    She slid onto the wooden seat and he took the one opposite, sitting so he faced her. Mari began to row, heading for the middle of the lake. After a few misses with the oars, she made some adjustments and soon they were gliding across the water with barely a ripple.
    â€œNow this is heaven,” he joked, stretching his legs out and crossing them at the ankles. “A beautiful woman rowing me around.”
    She skimmed an oar on the water and tried to splash him. On the third try, she got it right.
    â€œYeow! That water is cold.”
    She laughed. “You know you had that coming.”
    â€œI suppose so.” Her laughter—and her glowing smile—suddenly reminded him of the summer he’d fondly referred to as the year of her pink bikini, when he’d realized that Mari was turning into a woman.
    Then there was the year of the

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