A Murderer Among Us

Free A Murderer Among Us by Marilyn Levinson

Book: A Murderer Among Us by Marilyn Levinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marilyn Levinson
Tags: Mystery
supplied. Thank God he hadn’t compared her to Miss Marple.
    “Right. My wife used to watch that program.”
    His wife. Of course he had a wife. Her disappointment was as keen as a child being told there’d be no birthday party after all. “I suppose you’re not interested in hearsay.” Something perverse, a desire to rile him, made her add, “Though I should pay a shiva call and offer Marshall Weill my condolences.”
    “What!” He frowned at her. “Have you already forgotten what happened to you this morning? I suggest you send him a card.”
    “So, you think he murdered his wife and had a stab at killing or warning me.”
    “It’s too early to say in either case, but the circumstances and evidence point to someone in this community.”
    “And the spouse is always the first suspect,” she murmured, remembering the case she’d built against Marshall Weill last night as she tried to fall asleep.
    “Yes, and please keep that and everything else we’ve spoken of to yourself,” he said as he turned to leave.
    So they were back where they’d first started.
    “Of course I will. I’m not a gossip!” She skirted past him to unlock the front door.
    “I’m sure you’re not.” They stood close enough in the small entrance hall for her to catch a trace of his Davidoff aftershave.
    “The thing is, I don’t want to have to worry about your welfare while we follow through on this investigation. You were attacked this morning. Your vehicle was taken and misused.” He gave her a half smile. “But if you should happen to hear something relevant to the case, by all means, pass it on to me.”
    He withdrew a card from his sport jacket’s breast pocket. “Here are a few numbers where you can reach me. Call if you learn something relating to the case. Please, no more interrogations, though. That’s our job.”
    She took the card. “Of course.”
    “We’ll talk again.”
    Lydia nodded, savoring the words as though they were a promise. She watched Lieutenant Molina get into an unmarked car and drive away.

    Claire’s funeral was held the following afternoon. Lydia heard Marshall Weill had pressured local rabbis and politicians to get the autopsy done ASAP so the body could quickly be laid to rest as Jewish law required. Caroline, who attended the funeral with her husband and the Linnetts, called Lydia later that evening.
    “We just came from paying a shiva call at Marshall’s daughter’s in Smithtown. Lots of Twin Lakes people were there. I’ve never seen anything like it! Widows and divorcées—even married women like Sally Marcus—swarmed around Marshall as if he were Hugh Hefner or Bob Guccione. In a matter of days, he’s gone from Man with a Scandalous Past to Bachelor of the Hour. Makes you wonder if he bumped off Claire for all this female attention.”
    Caroline giggled. “Oops, you didn’t hear that! And coming from a board member’s wife.”
    Lydia laughed as her friend intended her to. “Who knows how deep his criminal tendencies run, but since the police have no evidence connecting him to the crime, he’s free to go about as he pleases.”
    “Oh?” Caroline asked coyly. “Have you gotten a private update on the case from that handsome detective?”
    “Of course not!” Lydia denied, though Lieutenant Molina had said as much last night when he called to see how she was feeling after her ordeal in the pool.
    Caroline laughed. “Have it your way. But keep us informed if you hear anything more about the case.”
    “If I happen to,” Lydia said carefully.
    She wondered why both Barbara and Caroline spoke of the detective as though he were interested in her. He had to interview her since her car was the weapon used to kill Claire Weill and she was halfway to being a suspect. After that, he came by to let her know he’d found out about Allison. Then there was the swimming pool cover incident and a brief follow-up call. Every communication concerned Claire Weill’s murder. Besides,

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