Wilde Fire

Free Wilde Fire by Kat Austen

Book: Wilde Fire by Kat Austen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kat Austen
Tags: Playing With Fire series
pull out now. I’m not going to stop until I’m pulsing my cum deep into your tight, perfect little cunt.” His mouth sucked my nipple hard one last time before releasing it. “Relax.”
    My fists curled into balls around his head. I wanted him so bad, but it was painful. A good kind of painful, but my God, what could a girl expect when the first man to break into her was so thick and long he could probably bury himself in two pussies and have girth to spare?
    “Do it, Jake.” I lifted my hips against his, giving him the perfect angle to plunge deep into me. “Take my virginity.”
    His head lifted above mine and his whole face was drawn in so many hard lines, I wondered if he was in as much pain as I was. “You are so fucking tight. So fucking wet. My god, Bree.”
    I felt his body go rigid above me right before his hips rammed against mine. His cock pressed farther inside, burying itself in me as deep as it could go. I cried out, my body curling around his. At the same time I felt pain, I felt a pleasure so extreme I could already feel my orgasm building.
    Jake’s head was hanging down, the muscles of his back and arms shifting under his skin. He was breathing hard, like he was about to hyperventilate, and the soot and ash from his skin had transferred to mine.
    “Dammit,” he grunted when I tightened my pussy around him.
    “Am I hurting you?” I asked, guessing that it wasn’t just me suffering from the plight of losing my virginity.
    “No, you are doing the opposite.” He cracked his neck a couple of times, relaxing his jaw. His eyes were still closed, but his breathing was evening out. A little. “I’m just giving myself a second to calm my shit so I don’t come inside of you in one more stroke.”
    I tightened around him again. “I feel that good?” I ran my hand down his back, dipping it around his ass until I got a good handful of it. I curled him deeper into me. We moaned at the same time.
    I guessed I could take a little more of him in.
    “You feel so fucking good, you’ve ruined me for everything and anyone else.” His mouth lowered outside of my ear as he started to slide out of me. “They’re going to have to drag me into that plane and shove me out of it after this. I want to spend the rest of my life buried deep inside of you.” He kissed the area below my ear, and when I exhaled, he drove himself deep inside of me again.
    I screamed this time. This one was more derived from pleasure than pain though.
    Jake pulled back again, slowly, but when I started pitching my hips against him, he took my hint and started driving himself inside of me faster. He pumped inside me, going as deep as he could with every stroke, making me feel things that made me question my former understanding of reality
    “I’m not going to be able to last much longer, Bree,” he grunted into my ear, his hand palming my breast, squeezing it in time with his hungry thrusts. “How do you want me to come?”
    My orgasm had been building from the moment he drove himself inside of me. If he held out longer than I did, it would be a damn miracle.
    “Inside of me,” I whispered. “I want to feel your cum inside of me. I want to feel you. All of you.” When his hand gripped the side of my neck, his cock shuttling inside of me faster, I rotated my head until I felt his finger by my mouth.
    “I want my cum in you, baby. I want my seed as deep inside of you as I can get it. I want you to feel my cock coat you in it.”
    My cunt clenched around him, at the same time my lips parted and I sucked his finger into my mouth.
    He grunted, rutting harder against me. “Fuck,” he moaned. “That feels good. Keep sucking me, baby. Keep rotating those hips and letting me bury myself inside of you.”
    When his mouth dropped to my other breast, his powerful tongue sucking at my tit, nipping at it with his teeth, that’s when I felt it. My orgasm powering through my body.
    “Do me harder, Jake.” My head fell back over the arm

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