Serving the Wolf's Den (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Free Serving the Wolf's Den (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Kalissa Alexander

Book: Serving the Wolf's Den (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Kalissa Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kalissa Alexander
Tags: Romance
upright. She was sandwiched between the two men. How could they know this was the perfect position in her fantasies?
    “We’re taking you home early tonight.” Max still held her arm firmly in his hand. “Katie’s going to close up for us.”
    “Okay, but I don’t mind staying.”
    “We do,” Toby said, his breath in her hair.
    “Yes, we do,” Max echoed.
    “Well, since you’re my ride home, I’m at your mercy,” she said weakly, trying to laugh, before she eased herself from in between them and scooted down to the other end of the bar to look for something to do. She sneaked a look back only to see they were both still watching her. Turning around quickly, Maura threw herself into cleaning the already clean bar with renewed energy.
    The ride to their house was quiet. Max drove. Toby had taken his usual seat in the back. Maura felt the tension in the air and decided it was best to stay silent since she didn’t know what to say that wouldn’t give away her feelings. She knew she shouldn’t be aching for something that was unlikely to happen and shouldn’t happen. However, she wanted them so badly she was ready to throw caution to the wind and that was a very dangerous state of mind for someone who had so much to lose.
    Max pulled into the driveway. She opened her own door, not waiting for one of them to do it for her as they usually did. She ran to the front door and waited for Toby to unlock it before she bolted through to the kitchen. Her eyes searched for Bo. She should have known he wouldn’t be there to greet them, he never was, and tonight was no exception. However, tonight she could have used the diversion she knew her four-legged friend would have created.
    She found some bagels in the bread drawer and cream cheese in the refrigerator. She was about to cut the bagels for toasting when Max walked up behind her.
    “Is that what you’re hungry for, Maura?”
    “I thought you liked bagels.”
    “There’s something else that I want tonight. It’s something I’ve been wanting for a long time now.”
    The knife she had been holding clattered onto the counter.
    Toby was beside her. “I want what he wants, Maura. The question is, do you?”
    Without waiting for her answer, Max turned her to face him. She was powerless as he lowered his head, his eyes locked with hers. She watched his lips touch hers. She felt his tongue dart between them. He groaned, pulling her hard into his chest. The kiss took her breath away along with all comprehensible thought. All she wanted was more of him as she slipped her arms around his neck. Joanie was right, her mind screamed in happiness.
    Toby was behind her, his hands caressing her shoulders, moving down to cup her breasts before they inched down farther to grip her ass beneath her jeans that he pulled down as Max unzipped them. She felt them slip from her body until they were pooled at her feet. Toby’s cock, still in his jeans, pressed hard between the cheeks of her ass, his lips in her hair. She shivered with anticipation for what she had thought could never happen.
    “I want you,” Toby’s voice whispered in her ear.
    Max released her, only to begin unbuttoning her shirt. “Do you want us both, Maura?”
    She nodded, unable to speak from the passion and lust that consumed her. She trembled from the ache between her legs. Her pussy continued to drip into her already wet panties with the pent-up desire she felt for these two men.
    “Tell me what you want, baby,” Max said, spreading her shirt open to expose her lacy white bra that he easily unclasped. Toby’s arms snaked around her to twist her hard nipples between his fingers, causing her to moan. It felt so good, so right.
    “I want you both,” she choked out, feeling as if she were about to float off the ground.
    Max smiled. His eyes devoured her breasts. “My God, you’re beautiful. Your body was made for us.”
    Toby’s fingers released her nipples. He moved around her to stand beside Max. Max

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