Branded (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Special Edition)

Free Branded (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Special Edition) by Lexie Davis

Book: Branded (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Special Edition) by Lexie Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lexie Davis
Tags: Romance
wasn’t too weird to share Erin with them, but he still wasn’t used to the idea of competing and sharing his prize. He lived with most of them for a good portion of his adult life, and they were pigs. He doubted any of them actually took Erin out on a real date before they got her into bed. He blew out a breath and turned back to the tub, flipping the faucet on to wash his hands.
    “What’s wrong?”
    He turned the water off and sat in the floor next to her. “It’s nothing.”
    “Tell me anyway.” She tugged at his arm and gave him her complete attention.
    He laid his head on her shoulder. “I signed with Blaine’s agent right before we came here. He called me last night and told me he had a job offer. It’s in LA for about two months. They want me to be the spokesperson for Knotted, the brand-new Western clothing line. I think I’ll be modeling and making commercials. Doing radio productions and whatnot. He said they watched me at the rodeo in California a few months ago and that the owner himself picked me to model his stuff.”
    She cupped his cheek. “That’s great news, sweetie.”
    He lifted his head and looked at her. “I’m not a model.”
    Erin rubbed his arm. “That’s okay. You’re sexy. That’s what he wants. Women will be buying up his line of clothes for their husbands, hoping they’ll look half as good as you.”
    He smiled. “You’re lying, but I’ll believe it for right now.”
    Erin moved to straddle his lap. “I’m not lying. Do you remember Georgia Doogan from high school? She used to drool over you every day at lunch. I also heard from Mrs. Mays that she watches you at the rodeo and makes her accountant husband dress like you.” Erin wrapped her arms around his neck. “There will be a lot of Georgia Doogans if you take this role. I think you should, too. If there are any sexy underwear ads, I want large, framed pictures to hang in my room.”
    She kissed him. It was a tender touch of her lips against his but enough to spark an interest for more. He slipped his fingers beneath her shirt to feel the warm, soft skin beneath.
    “I have to stay away for two months. It’ll cut into my rodeo time, but my agent swears the money is worth it. I might actually be as rich as Blaine when I get done.”
    She smiled and played with the hair at the nape of his neck. “I’ll come visit you.”
    Dierks smiled. “I’m not leaving yet. You have to put up with me for a while longer.”
    She laughed. “How will I ever do that?”
    He squeezed her ass. “It’s a tough job, I know.”
    He stared at her. She truly was a beautiful woman. Her blonde hair fell below her shoulders even though she had it pulled back in a tie. She usually wore makeup, but he supposed since she went swimming earlier today, she didn’t bother putting any on. Dierks licked his lips wondering if she really wanted to be with them all. It wasn’t the most normal request a woman could make, and most guys didn’t like to share their girl. He was one of those guys.
    “What?” she asked, keeping her eyes locked with his.
    “I don’t know if I want to share you.” He glanced away. “I know you’ve had sex with all of us, and we all love you, but it’s just weird to me. I want you to myself.”
    She leaned in, pressing her forehead against his. “It’s not weird. And you can have me to yourself when we’re behind closed doors together. Anything you want.”
    Dierks closed his eyes. “I want you now.”
    Erin smiled before kissing his lips. “You’ve got me, right now. All to yourself.”
    He lifted her off his lap so he could stand. Something about the way she looked at him made him want to stay at Dirty Money Ranch forever. He led her down the hall to his bedroom and locked the door behind them.
    Erin turned to him and undid his zipper. She always had an innocent look in her eyes that made him want to protect her. He wasn’t sure exactly what he wanted to protect her from, but the

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