
Free Broken by J.B. McGee

Book: Broken by J.B. McGee Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.B. McGee
and making her limbs go limp.
    Ian gently leaned down and kissed her for a few moments in a long hard kiss. Looking back up at her smiling he said, “Thanks for that anatomy lesson. I think I definitely aced that test.” She rolled her eyes and giggled, “Yes, I think you should get extra credit for that one!” After placing her breast back into her bra, he handed her the shirt, “Hey Gabs, I did want to talk to you about something. I just, well, I couldn’t think about talking when I first saw you standing at my door. You know what you do to me.” She smirked, “No, I don’t know what I do to you, but I do know what you do to me. I like it. I can’t get enough. You bring out a side of me I didn’t know I had.”
    “Oh, Gabby. That feeling is quite mutual. I am pretty sure you do to me what I do to you and then some.” His voice cracked as he spoke almost shyly. He held her skirt out for her as she slipped each foot in and then he pulled it back up for her and then proceeded to redress himself.
    “What did you want to ask me?”
    “Yeah, John is having a party tomorrow. I know I had said no dates until we got to know each other. I think I’m ready to show everyone that you are mine. Would you like to go to John’s party with me tomorrow night? Did you have plans?” He was hesitant as the words fumbled out of his mouth. It was obvious Ian was nervous.
    She put her finger over her lip to try and hide her smile. She was so excited she almost started jumping up and down, but she loved seeing him so nervous and she decided to play with him a little bit in his vulnerable state.
    “Actually, I do have plans.”
    “Oh. Okay. I guess I should have asked sooner. Maybe some other time,” he said as he put his head down in defeat.
    “I had planned to go to John’s party with Lindsey. She asked me after school as I was leaving to come here. I wondered why you had not asked me. I mean, I knew we weren’t technically dating, but I was disappointed that you had not at least mentioned it.” Gabby was no longer playful, she was serious. It had really hurt her, but now she understood and she felt better. A slight smile brushed over her face.
    “Oh. So you would rather go with Lindsey, then?”
    Gabby cocked her head to one side and grinned, “Well, there’s this thing. It’s called a change of plans. Should I call Lindsey and tell her my boyfriend would like to take me to John’s party so that everyone can see I’m his? If that’s the offer, I won’t be able to change my plans fast enough,” she beamed.
    “Yes, that’s exactly what I want you to do!”
    He leaned over and kissed her once more, “Pick you up at seven?”
    “Yes, thank you, Ian. I can’t wait. You have just made me the happiest girl on the planet. Want your reward?”
    “Now you’re talking!”

Chapter 9

    June, 2010; The Present
    Tears were streaming down Gabby’s face. She felt like her heart was made of glass and someone had just shattered it all over the wood beneath her feet once again. She had known this guy for all of five minutes and he had already shattered her. What was so wrong with her? Why was she never enough? Why couldn’t guys appreciate a girl who didn’t throw herself at every guy? She began to get frustrated and she was so angry she contemplated slapping him as hard as she could, but she didn’t want to be the center of a scene and she certainly didn’t want to ruin Cade and Kristin’s big day by slapping his cousin. She was paralyzed with emotion and as much as she wanted to run away from him again, she found herself planted in front of him wishing she was anywhere but there.
    “You’re right,” he said. She had heard him the first time. Hearing it twice certainly was like adding salt to her wounds. He reached up and cupped her face one more time. She swiftly removed his hand and put it back by his side. “Don’t. Don’t touch me,” she hissed. “Gabby. Hush.” His voice was soft, sincere, but

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