Rebound: Passion Book 2

Free Rebound: Passion Book 2 by Jordan Silver

Book: Rebound: Passion Book 2 by Jordan Silver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Silver
catching up to my body and that shit was talking loud and clear.

Chapter 11

in the blue fuck are you wearing Kadyn?” I made sure we were far enough away
from prying ears. The way I felt I wasn’t sure what the hell I was going to say
or do next. She looked down at herself and then back up at me. “What’s wrong
with what I’m wearing? In case you haven’t noticed, we’re at the beach.
Besides, Carrie’s wearing almost the same exact thing.”
      “That’s Josh’s problem not mine.” I crowded
her, towering over her, it’s a cheap trick I know, but I needed all the help I
could get. The sight of her in that thing was burned into my fucking corneas
and was making me stupid.
    “And neither is this.”
    “Think again, I don’t want you
running around the beach half naked. You keep that shirt on or I’m taking you
home right now.”
    “I can’t swim in this shirt.”
She pulled on the tail of my shirt that dwarfed her tiny frame.
it out, the shirt or home. What’s it gonna be?”
    “Why do
you even think you have the right to tell me what I can or cannot do, Matthew
Steele? You’ve barely said two words to me since we met and each time you did
have something to say it was an insult.”
    “That maybe so, but last night
changed things, now everything is different.”
    “I don’t see why, we hardly know
each other and you don’t even like me, remember?”
    “Who the
fuck says I don’t like you, why do you keep saying that? Look, in a few hours
this place is going to be crawling with people and I’d be fucked if I’m gonna
have other men ogling your ass.” Yes I know I wasn’t making any sense, that she
was one hundred percent right, we didn’t know each other. She might think we
had no obligation to each other, but my mind had been made up for me and now
she was fucked, because the shit that was going on inside me wasn’t good for
anybody. Least of all the woman I now found myself wanting.
you insane? What gives you the right? I’m my own person Matthew Steele and I can
do whatever the hell I want.” See, I knew she was going to be a pain in my ass.
She tried removing the shirt but I grabbed a fistful of it and pulled her in
close. “Try it.” I stared into her eyes that were all but spitting fire at me.
had to know what your body in that thing looks like, and that thing in your
navel is a sure fucking invitation. What do you think people are gonna think?
You think I want people looking at my woman thinking…”
      "Just because I
have tattoos and a nice ass doesn't make me a freak.”
    "No but the
shit I want to do to you might, and I repeat, I’d be fucked if I’m gonna have
other men thinking the same thing."
    “This is crazy, you can’t just go around ordering complete
strangers around like you’re their lord and master. And what do you mean your
woman? I’m not your girlfriend or your wife for you to have any say…
    “Think again, if you didn’t want this then you shouldn’t have
kissed me back the way you did. You shouldn’t have clung to me like you never
wanted to let me go. I was there Kadyn. I know what I felt, or are you going to
tell me you trembled in my arms because you were cold?”
    “No…I…I don’t know okay, I just know this is moving too fast, I
need time to think.”
    “What do you mean
no?” she was breathing fire again fuck; can my life never be easy?
    “I mean that there’s nothing to think about, I don’t need anymore
time. I’ve thought this shit to death in the last few weeks and between last
night and this morning the thinking stopped. You think I’ve been following your ass around town for the
past few weeks because I’m bored?” She went pale as a sheet and pulled away
from me. “You’ve been following me?” Her voice was a choked whisper as she
looked around like a trapped rabbit.
the hell is wrong now?” I reached for her but she evaded my arms and

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