Compromised by Christmas
than one knot, Dev."
    "Never made it my life's ambition to stand in front
of my looking glass, perfecting my cravat."
    "A gentleman of my standing cannot neglect such a
detail." Max whispered as Roxana turned and trailed after Breedon,
her head down. "Go fix your cravat."
    He gave Scully a good tug backwards just to be sure
he would make himself scarce.
    Roxana noticed their presence and stood still as a
    Max did not even realize what he intended to do as he
strode forward, caught Roxana by the elbows, then backed her into
the niche. Her blue eyes glistened as she looked up at him.
    "Breedon is an idiot," he said as he lowered his lips
to hers.
    He hadn't meant more than a small kiss, but her
disappointment incensed him. She should not have been so casually
cast aside. Yet, as his mouth touched her petal-soft lips, rational
thought escaped him. Her mouth had fallen open as he pushed her
back and that was too much temptation for him to resist.

Chapter Four
    A squeak of alarm left Roxana's mouth just before the
duke touched his lips to hers. His warm fingers slid around her
nape, his thumb stroked along her jawline and his mouth pressed
against hers. She had been prepared to submit to a kiss . . . just
not with Max.
    His hold was gentle, but left her in no doubt that he
was in charge. Her pulse leapt as his lips moved against hers,
making this kiss different than any she had ever experienced
before. His tongue prodded at the seam of her lips, and he stepped
closer, his firm body brushing against hers. Tingles danced along
her spine. His masculine scent filled her with a heady
    Her thoughts and emotions swirled in senseless
patterns until the only thing she could think about was the rough
burr of his tongue against hers and how very odd she felt, all
melting and weak. He pressed her further into the niche. She
relished the solid pressure of his chest, as if she could draw from
his strength. Prickles danced along her skin, her breasts tightened
and grew heavy.
    He deepened the kiss. She opened to him, allowing him
access. His taste filled her. She had never realized that she could
feel so undone, as if she were unraveling, but at the same time,
feel completed and yet hungry for more of him.
    His fingers stroked along her skin behind her ear as
if he would pet her into compliance. Then her back met the wall and
Max continued to push into her.
    She welcomed the solid warmth of him. The growing
response of her body compelled her to continue to explore this
physical union of their mouths. Her knees weakened and her will to
resist was only a tiny cry in the overwhelming fervor of her
    She raised her hands to his chest, feeling his broad
solid strength and his quickened breathing. A low growl left his
throat. With the three walls around her and Max in front of her,
she was trapped. Fear cut through her fog of fascination. Roxana
shoved against his chest.
    He abruptly ended their kiss. Lifting his head, he
looked down at her, his brown eyes dark and bottomless. For a
second it was as if he looked inside her. She shut her eyes unable
to bear the idea that if he looked too deeply, he would not like
what he saw.
    Air filled her lungs in quick pants and her heart
raced. She shoved harder. He backed away, although she was still
cornered in the small space. With her body no longer molded against
his, her thoughts cleared. What was she doing?
    Max reached above her head and plucked a berry from
the sprig of mistletoe. He held it out to her. "Your luck should be
in good stead this coming year, Miss Winston."
    His roughened voice stole through her, touching parts
deep inside of her. The intimacy of their kiss had opened her to
him in ways she hadn't meant or expected. This was different from
    She stared at the small white fruit in his
    Surely this was not the kind of kiss she should have
permitted or encouraged. Her lips tingled. She pressed the back of
her hand against her mouth, trying to

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