Dealing Flesh
room downtown in the afternoon. Sis meets me with docility and sweetness, which immediately makes me drop my guard a bit.
    Blushetta: I wished she could stay this way forever.
    Scaredy Cat: Wouldn’t that be nice.
    An hour of pleasant conversation passes. It becomes time to leave. But before I do, Sis and I make a plan to soon spend a night out on the town.
    Blushetta: I’m really excited to show her around.
    Doubt Cloud: Well, good luck. Just be on guard.
    Life’s a Pose
    My eyes nervously wander across the different sizes of photographs of models that decorate the walls of Jordan’s east side studio.
    “I’ll be right there,” I hear a deep soothing sounding voice yell from somewhere in the back of the building. The humming ceiling fan inside the foyer spreads welcomed waves of air throughout the space on this humid summery day.
    Hot Shot: I am beyond excited about this portfolio shoot.
    Miss Vanity: Tell me about it.
    I keep staring at more of the pictures on the walls of the people Jordan previously photographed.
    “Ah, there you are,” he says, hurrying around the corner, giving me a bright sweet smile. His delightful aura conjoined with the calmness in his voice instantly breaks the ice. I like him, although not in a “being on my radar” kind of a way, or at least, I don’t think so. In addition, I am well aware this is a business relationship.
    “Why don’t you get started on your make up, while I get the lighting and the backdrop arranged? Holler if you need help, okay?” His dark, kind eyes feel nurturing.
    I put on the first outfit and moments later the shoot begins. Two hours, and six different looks and hairstyles into it, we relocate to the back room of the studio to finish off with the topless segment. Jordan locks the front door to prevent patrons from interrupting.
    “Let me touch up your make-up, darling.” I greedily immerse myself in the gentle paw of his hands.
    Romy: Awwww. How I miss this .
    Miss Vanity: Knock it off, will ya’? It would defeat the purpose.
    Click, click, click…the continuous sound of the shutter lens gives me a feeling of lightheadedness. Ninety minutes into the session, Jordan proposes taking the last few photographs with wet hair to create somewhat of a dreamy effect.
    I head into the bathroom, splash my mane with water, and wrap the silky smooth cream-colored long scarf around my waist. Bare breasted, I sit down at the mark. Sweet fragrance and a sizzling silence of eroticism surround us. Letting a couple of moist strands of hair dangle in front of my eyes, I bend my body into an agreeable pose. Hot Shot has me slightly part my glossy lips so the white of my teeth can poke through.
    Hot Shot: I’ve seen the lingerie models do that. I know it will make men find me even more seductive.
    Doubt Cloud: That may be true, but I’m positive it will leave this photographer cold. Mind you, he sees the most beautiful dressed or undressed people in front of his camera all the time. You are too small a fish for him .
    Romy (boastful): Picture him as my boyfriend .
    Doubt Cloud: Don’t be ridiculous .
    Starlight: If he was, he could make me a star by taking the most amazing pictures of me whenever I so please.
    Hot Shot: I am going to prove to you I can compete with the super models. Out of my way .
    Instantly, I strike my poses in an even more daring fashion. But then…
    “That’s a wrap. I’m out of film,” Jordan announces. “You did great.”
    “Really? Which segment did you like most?”
    “There’s a whole bunch that looked fantastic through the lens. You’re gonna be pleased.” I see the lights of the studio lamps nicely reflect on his shiny black hair. “It was fun working with you. Looks like you have done this before, haven’t you?”
    “As a matter of fact, I have,” I answer with pride in my voice.
    I feel much closer to him now that we spent this much time together. Disappointed that he is not giving me any indication of wanting to get physical, I

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