Colette Gale - [The Erotic Adventures of Jane in the Jungle Part II]

Free Colette Gale - [The Erotic Adventures of Jane in the Jungle Part II] by Entangled

Book: Colette Gale - [The Erotic Adventures of Jane in the Jungle Part II] by Entangled Read Free Book Online
Authors: Entangled
safely, but I am so relieved. Please…let’s not ever be separated again.”
    “Of course not, Jonathan,” she told him, and squeezed his hand. “I was sorry to cause you worry.” She noticed Efremina give her father a pointed look, and gesture sharply to the door.
    Jonathan’s eyes narrowed in thought, and a little smirk quirked his lips. “Dare I ask how you are feeling today? After…last night.” His voice dropped low and deep, reminding her suddenly and starkly of the expression on his face when she was poised over him, being penetrated in the arse by his friend: bald lust, intense pleasure, possessiveness.
    “I am a little…sore,” she told him, glancing at the door as it closed behind Effie and Papa. “It was…unexpected, Jonathan. And I don’t ever want—”
    He was already shaking his head, his expression sober. “I know. I should never…well, you don’t understand how he is,” he said, his voice dropping low. “Darkdale can be very…persuasive, and he’s not quite a gentleman about it. But it was no excuse for my…weakness. Jane, can you ever forgive me?”
    It was as if a weight was lifted from her heart. “Yes, Jonathan. We all make mistakes.” She couldn’t help but think of herself, kneeling in front of Zaren…cupping his thick, ready cock, bending to lick its tip. She cleared her throat and pushed the image away. No. Never again. “Perhaps we can begin anew, now that I’ve found you once more? Put past mistakes behind us?”
    “Thank you, Jane,” he said, clasping her fingers tightly. “I thought I might have lost you in more ways than one. Now,” he said, his grin turning even more mischievous. “I know the most perfect way to ease… ahem …soreness.”
    She smiled back. “And what is that, pray tell?”
    “Sitting in a very warm, hot pool.”
    By daylight, being in the hot springs pool was a completely different experience than the dark, unsettling adventure of the night before. Jonathan sat on a rock as she stripped off her light cotton dress and laced-up chemise.
    Jane slid gratefully into the steamy water, stifling a groan of pleasure. Despite the humidity and blazing sun, she welcomed the comfort of the hot springs.  
    As she relaxed in the water, feeling the soothing heat against her sore muscles and nether parts, Jane looked around. In the bright sunshine, she could see a riot of flowers in fuchsia, sapphire, fiery orange, and crimson. Leaves of all shades of green, aqua, and gray danced in the dappled light in a stunning variety of textures: furry, fuzzy, jagged, smooth, bumpy, ridged….  
    A small spotted lizard sunned himself on a rock, and a pair of bright purple and orange birds flew about in a sassy mating dance, flitting from tree to tree,and swooping low over Jane’s head.
    The jungle was filled with sound: the rustle of wind through the leaves, the songs of birds, the low calls of other land-bound animals, the rattling of branches and trunks as they clashed, the hiss from the water roiling around her.
    Jane couldn’t remember a time she’d been so silent, so aware of her environment. Certainly, she’d thought of the jungle as beautiful and wild—and dangerous!—but somehow, since arriving, she’d hardly taken the time to notice the details. She rested her head back against a stone, feeling perspiration gather on her nose and temples, allowing her arms and toes to float freely in the churning water.
    Her breasts bobbed and swayed, her rosy nipples peeking out and then submerging as a wave licked over them. She glanced over to see if Jonathan had noticed, for he had promised to stand guard for snakes, leopards, and beady-eyed rodents.
    He was gone. Jane frowned, but she wasn’t concerned. He couldn’t have gone far; he’d be within shouting distance. Perhaps he decided to give her a moment of privacy. Or perhaps he’d needed a moment of privacy.
    She sank into the water and soaked her hair, her groan of pleasure mingling with the grumbling

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