Colette Gale - [The Erotic Adventures of Jane in the Jungle Part II]

Free Colette Gale - [The Erotic Adventures of Jane in the Jungle Part II] by Entangled Page A

Book: Colette Gale - [The Erotic Adventures of Jane in the Jungle Part II] by Entangled Read Free Book Online
Authors: Entangled
pool underwater. When she came up, Jonathan was still out of sight. Still unconcerned, she used the small pot of scented bicarbonate soda to wash her long, tangled hair and the rest of her body, then sunk back under again.
    When she emerged and shook out the water from her ears, she realized that the jungle had gone silent. Eerily silent.  
    Jane sat up and looked around, suddenly tense. The small clearing was empty. Jonathan was gone, but her clothing was still laying over a small bush to air out.  
    “Jonathan?” she called, gathering up her hair into a bundle. She braided it quickly, in a thick plait, still looking around nervously.  
    There was a rustling the bushes, and Jonathan appeared.  
    “Oh, thank heavens,” she said…and then she saw the angry-looking men behind him, dressed in native clothing and holding spears.
    “Jane,” said her lover in a tense voice. He held his arms away from his body as the natives prodded him forward by gesturing with their spears. “Stand up very slowly and carefully.”
    “Jonathan,” she whispered, her eyes darting from him to the group of six men surrounding him. Two of them brandished spears at his chest.
    The strangers looked ferocious and wild, with their faces painted in blue, white, yellow and green. Each had a red stripe bisecting his face. They wore loincloths just as Zaren had, but theirs were longer and fringed. Over each chest crossed two woven straps decorated with shells, feathers and…Jane swallowed…teeth. Aside from their clothing (or lack thereof), she recognized they must be from a native tribe by the dark hair and mahogany skin.
    “What do they want?” she asked. “Do you know them? Are they the tribe you lived with?”
    “Jane,” Jonathan said again. “Stand up and come out of the pool slowly and carefully, or I’m afraid they might take out their impatience on me.”
    She bit her lip, still safely submerged in the water. Then, gathering her wits, she did as Jonathan bid and stood slowly. As the water sluiced off her, leaving her bare and wet, she felt each pair of eyes focus on her avidly.   Her thick plait was of no help in providing modesty, and she quickly unbraided it. Swallowing hard, head held high, she walked out of the pool, pulling her loose hair over her breasts and using her hand to cover her quim as much as possible.  
    As soon as she was on the grass, Jane edged toward the bush where her clothes were. But one of the men, who wore feathers and decorative strips of curling hide in his hair, made a sharp sound. He shifted his spear, pointing it threateningly at her, and she stopped.
    The man made another sound and jabbed his weapon at her again and Jane stepped back. He looked at Jonathan and said something, and his companions made sounds of agreement.
    “Raise your arms,” Jonathan said. “Jane, he wants you to raise your arms. They want to…see you.”
    “Jonathan,” she whispered. “Do you know these men?”
    “Do as they say,” he said. “Please, Jane.”
    Slowly, she lifted her arms, and, following the motioned directions of the presumed leader of the group, placed her hands on top of her head. Her heart was pounding so hard her hair shivered over the tops of her breasts, brushing her belly and hips in a ticklish motion.
    When the leader stepped toward her, Jane’s breath caught and she had to bite her lip to keep still. She sensed that begging or talking or crying out would do nothing to help her and Jonathan. As the native approached, she felt his gaze scan her, heavy and intent. He kept his spear at the ready, but he had one hand free, and with that hand, he reached out.
    Jane could hardly keep from rearing away, but Jonathan’s hissed warning held her steady. The leader’s hand touched her hair, sliding down over the curling golden-red locks, sifting it through his fingers. The wonderment in his face and expression was not what she’d expected, and something Jonathan had said to her previously popped into her

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